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Blake's POV

I was hesitant to leave Erin at first especially with her "best friend" Zac around, but I knew that the pack should come first before anything. Kent had called me through the pack link and told me that something important came up. Kent has been my Beta for too long now and he doesn't bother me with pack matters if it wasn't serious, so I know that whatever it is that came up seriously needed my attention.

I parked my car in front of the pack house and I saw Kent rushed outside the door. I got out of my car and walked towards him. "What is it?" I asked him worriedly.

He brushed his hair with his hand and sighed. "Can we talk inside?" He asked. I nodded and we made our way inside. He headed to the study room while I followed closely behind him.

After closing the door behind him, he spoke again. "It's about Miranda." He muttered.

At the mention of my mother's name, my fist clenched automatically. My anger rose immediately and I had to calm myself down and contain my wolf. "What about her?" I asked Kent with my eyebrows furrowed.

He sighed heavily before answering. "We were doing our rounds of patrol when we noticed her scent. We tried following it and.." He paused and looked at me intently. "It led us to where Erin's shop was located."

"What!" I shouted. Why would she follow Erin? Maybe she knew that Erin was my mate, and now she wanted to kill her too. That bitch! I wouldn't let that happen. I grabbed the chair in front of me and slammed it into the wall, making it shatter into tiny pieces.

"Man, calm down." Kent muttered and tried to come closer to me.

I raised my hand in front of him. "Don't." I muttered and closed my eyes. I took deep breaths and felt myself calm down a bit. "I need guards at my house." I ordered after I cooled down my anger. "Increase the rounds of patrol. And if anybody sees Miranda, kill her immediately."

Kent nodded. "I understand. I'll tell the others now. Are you coming?" He asked.

I shook my head and headed towards the door. "I'm picking Erin up. Take care of everything." I ordered and got out of the house. I headed to my car and darted through the road in full speed.

My mom really won't stop until she takes everything away from me. Isn't it enough that she already killed my Dad? How could I have a heartless person for a mother? I wouldn't let her hurt my mate even if it means that I had to kill her myself.


I arrived at Erin's house sooner with the speed that I drove with. I knocked on the door and moments later, Zac opened it. "Hey man." He greeted and opened the door wider to let me in.

I walked passed him and looked around. "Where's Erin?" I asked him when I noticed that nobody else was in the house.

Zac went to the living room while I followed behind him. "She went out with her Mom for groceries. They'll be back soon." He muttered and sat down on the couch.

I nodded my head and did the same. "I see." I murmured. I looked at Zac and noticed that he was staring at me. "What?" I huffed angrily. I'm really not in the best mood right now, so this mutt better not irritate me.

Zac stared at me amusely. "Having a bad day, are you?" He asked while smirking.

I clenched my jaw to stop myself from wiping the smirk off of his face. "You wouldn't want to piss me off." I said while looking straight into his eyes.

He chuckled and shook his head. "Man, I'm not here to fight with you okay? Erin's my friend and you're her mate which makes you my friend too." He muttered and I can hear the sincerity in his voice.

I sighed and brushed my hair with my hand. "Sorry. I just have big problems right now." I answered and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Zac rose from his seat and went to the bar counter. He filled two glasses with brandy and handed me one. "About what?" He asked and I looked at him pointedly. He raised his hands in surrender and chuckled. "My bad. I guess we weren't on the "confiding problems" phase yet." He chuckled and took a sip of his drink.

I laughed at him and did the same. I think Zac isn't really that bad. Maybe it'll be better if I share a bit of my problem with him. Who knows, maybe he can help.

I was about to tell him what was bothering me when the door opened and Erin walked in. She smiled when she noticed me and Zac. "I see you two are getting along." She said and sat beside me.

I pulled her closer and planted a kiss on her forehead. "We are." I answered and looked at Zac.

He chuckled and stood up. "We are indeed." He muttered then finished his drink.

I did the same and put my arm around Erin. "Shall we go?" I asked her and she nodded.

She turned to Zac and hugged him. "Mom went to follow Dad somewhere so you'll have the house to yourself for a while. Will you be okay?" She asked him while we walked towards the door.

Zac snorted and patted Erin's head. "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm a full-grown man already young lady."

Erin slapped him on his arm and laughed. "Yeah, yeah whatever. Take care!" She walked out of the door.

I faced Zac and smiled. "Thank you, I'll be talking to you one of these days." I muttered and patted his shoulder before walking out of the house and heading to the car where Erin was already waiting. I got on the car and drove off.

"I'm happy you and Zac are getting along." Erin muttered while smiling at me. We were driving for a few minutes when she broke the silence.

I glanced at her and smiled back. "He's not that bad." I answered honestly. At first, I really didn't thought good of him but after talking to him I was slowly starting to like him. I know somehow I can trust him in terms of Erin's safety.

Speaking of which, I still have to take care of the problem with my Mom. "Babe, is it okay if you don't go to work for a few days?" I asked her hopefully. My mom already knows where she works so I need to keep her away from there in the meantime.

She looked at me with a worried expression. "Why? Is there a problem?" She turned sideways to face me.

I sighed and started thinking. I can't tell her that my Mom was following her. I don't want her to worry. "Nope, none at all. I just wanted you to come with me everyday so you'll know more about the pack." I said after I came up with an excuse.

She pouted her lips and started thinking. After a while, she took a deep breath and smiled. "Okay, I'll take a few days off."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "Thanks babe. I love you." I muttered then took her hand and kissed it.

"I love you too." She murmured as she held my hand tighter.

I smiled contentedly and continued to drive home. Now that I know how it feels like to be happy with Erin, I'm not gonna let anything bad happen to her. I'm not gonna let my Mother lay even a finger on her. When she killed my dad, I wasn't able to do anything about it because I wasn't there. But now, I will be beside Erin all the time to keep her safe. I swear to never let what happened to my Dad happen again.

A/N: Sorry about the late upload. Thanks guys for patiently waiting and for your continuous support. Please don't stop voting! :)

Oh and I want to clear a few things. The Unknown POV on the last chapter was Blake's Mom and her name is Miranda. Oh and whose POV do you want to see next chapter? Just comment!

There it is. Keep on reading, voting and commenting! Thakyou guys and Loveyou all <3

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