⟼ Prologue

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"She's perfect."

A piercing pair of ocean eyes laid upon a trembling figure hidden in the corner of a dark room. It was a girl, surely not past the age of 10. Her raven hair was long. Too long that it went beyond her hips, practically sweeping the floor. But her eyes were the exact opposite of the broad man in front of her. While their eyes shared the same colour, hers were tainted with fear and strife.

"Eris," he stepped forward, closing the distance between them, "That shall be your name,"

The smirk in his voice was laced with rancour. If she was perfectly sane in the head, the venom dripping down his fangs would all be mere imagination.

"I expect you to live up to that name, my dear," his finger ran across her jaw. She wanted to flinch, she wanted to turn away, but his hold on her was captivating that it frightened her to disobey him.

With that, the man exited the suffocating barracks, once again leaving the girl in pitch black.

She had no idea where she was or where she came from. There was no distinct memory of anything that happened prior to her meeting with the stoic man. Her mind was cloudy. The girl sank into the steel floor, her skin kissed the cold metal. Her body was sore and aching although she couldn't recall having done any physical activity.

For the next half a decade or so, she went back and forth with laborious trainings to the point she couldn't be considered human anymore. Her capabilities were more than a hundred powerful men. She became a weapon belonging to Wings of Freedom, belonging to the golden man with eyes of sapphire.

She voided human emotion and empathy. To save those inside Paradis, she was coerced into giving up her own humanity.

Until one unexpected night.

An unsuccessful infiltration caused near havoc within Wings of Freedom with nearly half their personnel wiped out.

Escaping the loud disorder coming from their superiors, his feet travelled to a restricted area. He needed a few moments to regain his composure, hiding away wouldn't harm him.

Peaceful serenity was all he asked for.

But that's when he met her. Eyes of glistening gold met fearless eyes of stormy weather.

The night that changed both their fate.




how do you guys like it so far?
my heart was practically beating out if my chest before publishing this>.<

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