⟼ 04: Back Home

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Year 854
'Back Home'

Wings of Freedom made the ruins of Shiganshina their home. What used to be grey land filled with ruptured buildings and horrid memories was now the place where the Paradis rebels found solace in.

They were the orphans, runaways, rejects, criminals of Paradis who searched for a purpose. They were the people of Wings of Freedom, fighting for the same goal. Liberty was what they strived for, free from the walls that captivated them. Had they not found the family of rebels, they'd be living within the slums of the walls as beggars with no place to call home.

A line of truck drove into the open gate, carrying nearly half of the original troop. When they left for Capitol in the morning, the seats were filled with eager youths chanting about victory. Now nearing midnight, anyone from Wall Sina could sense their dejection. These people lost their friends and family not even 24 hours into the day.

Hopping off the first truck, Captain Levi banged his fist against the door of the vehicle.

"Out," he said.

The Special Operations Squad, also known as the SOS Unit, slowly got out of the truck one by one. Last to get out were some members of the medic team who aided Commander Erwin during the entire journey back. They quickly rushed to the infirmary with all hopes that their commander doesn't bite the dust.

The others climbed out of their trucks.

The Captain stared at the remaining soldiers. Hell, the numbers reduced drastically. He didn't know who to blame or if there was anyone to blame at all. It could be Erwin's rash decision to carry out the mission in broad daylight or the kid who led Combat Unit One with no experience of leading a cohort into battlefield or Security Unit for not bringing enough people. Perhaps it was also their fault for not being more prepared. The government came out with more lethal protection than before, it was beyond their expectations.

A boy amidst the crowd avoided Levi's eye contact, though his height made him stand out more than he thought. The Lance Corporal timidly focused his view away from the Captain.

"There will be a general meeting tomorrow in the conference room for all superiors and unit leaders. I expect no late arrivals," he seethed, "And for the rest of you, out of my sight,"

"Yes, Captain," they replied in chorus before running to their barracks or the infirmary.

Rushing the opposite direction was Hange and a group of black coats along with Moblit. Eris was unconscious on an operating table. They ran into the weapon's personal barracks that only specific personnel could enter.

The worried look never left Hange's face from the moment they left for Shiganshina. It didn't look like it would fade away any time soon. With Erwin severely injured as well as Eris, it was more work for both Hange and Levi.

Watching from afar was one of the younger soldiers. He stood near the doorway of the male barracks. His mask idly between his fingers as his back rested against the brick wall.

"Jean," one of his friends said, "Are you not coming in?" the blonde hair of the boy was a mess, dirt and debris found it's way into his locks.

Jean looked up, "Later. I just need air right now, Armin," he sighed.

Armin nodded and didn't question further.

The lights around him began to dim. People were going to sleep. Though he doubt anyone could sleep soundly knowing that they just came back from their worst expedition yet.

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