⟼ 09: More Promises

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Year 845
Arina: Part 2
'More Promises'

The girl's piercing screams filled the room, causing the personnel inside to quiver in their spots. They could have sworn the machineries also shook at the sudden fit of rage coming from the petite child.

Arina was strapped tight onto a hospital bed, allowing minimal to zero movements. It never stopped her from struggling until her limbs were covered in cuts and blisters.

"Stop!" a voice bellowed into the room, swinging the doors open furiously.

"Erwin..." Arina croaked out at the sight of the blonde man.

His eyebrows were furrowed. Distress and fickleness were all written on his face. They could proceed but it would end up hurting the girl even more, but if they stopped the road to achieve his dream would cease.

"Release her,"

The nurses did as they were told and immediately unclasped the straps bounding her to the bed.

Without any hesitation, Arina jumped off the bed with all the strength she had and ran for Erwin who had his arms wide open for her.

The doctor who was about to work on Arina sighed. If this was going to keep repeating, there will not be any progress at all. They took off their mask and eye gear and placed it on a table.

"Doctor Zoë," Moblit whispered, "Are we done?"

The doctor looked back at Erwin who was consoling  Arina in his arms. Letting out another exasperated sigh, they said, "Yes. I'll inform you when the next operation will be,"

Hange leaned against a table with their head hung low.

Suddenly a man stormed into the operating room, "Oi Smith, what the fuck what that?" he marched towards Erwin.

Erwin stood up with Arina passed out in his arms. He cradled her small figure delicately as if an extra amount of pressure was going to break her. With no response towards the shorter man's words, he left the room.

It's been exactly two month since Erwin met the girl amidst the rubbles of Shiganshina. He would be lying if he said he wasn't at all attached to the girl.

Laying her on a bed, he brought a blanket up to her chin. He stook a seat beside the bed and caressed her head.

"I'm so sorry, my dear,"

"Erwin," the shorter man from earlier barged in with Hange behind him. Contrary to Hange's relenting expression, this man was quite irritated. That was an understatement, he was maddened, "That's the second time this happened. Something tells me you don't exactly believe is this haywire dream of yours,"

"Not now, Levi," Erwin said as he continued caressing Arina's head. He said it above a whisper, a gentle voice, as if he did not just waste the energies of several nurses in the operating room just to strap the girl onto the bed.

Levi wanted to reprimand when Hange placed a hand on his shoulder. The brief look on their face was enough to tell him to stop.

Hange walked forward, "Erwin, what's holding you back?"

The corner of Erwin's lips raised, "What if I abandon this dream of mine?"

Both Levi and Hange looked at each other. The annoyed look on Levi's face seemed to be growing.

"Why?" Hange asked.

Erwin never stopped caressing Arina's head. His fingers raked through her soft raven hair as she slept, "What if I raised her as my own?"

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