⟼ 08: Promises

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Year 845
Arina : Part 1


"Yes, my dear?"

The little girl held onto his hand as they walked through the bustling streets of Mitras. Her grip was tight onto his large hand as she didn't want to be swept away by the running crowds of the plaza.

Around them, nobility and royalty walked around with a mixture of government soldiers here and there.

It was the king's coronation week, hence why the streets were filled with lavish citizens dressed in the finest silk and suede of Paradis. Shops were filled to the brim with their limited edition products and stalls were enthusiastically presenting their best cakes and dishes to make anyone drool on sight.

Such a sight was unusual for the girl as having lived in Shiganshina. Stepping foot in the lush district, she could see the evident differences.

"That lady's dress looks pretty," she pointed to a woman who didn't seem to pass the age of 40. Her dress reached below her knees and it was a colour that not everyone could pull off. The dashing designs of her dress made her stand out in ways that brought out her beauty. She also donned a headpiece that completed her whole look.

Erwin stared at where she pointed at. A small smile tugged on his lips.

"Would you like a dress like that?"

She nodded.

"I see,"

"What are we doing here?"

It has only been three weeks since she met Erwin but it was hard to separate her from the blonde male to the point where her bed was placed in his room because being far from him terrified her. She was always with him every second of every day, even during his duties he found it hard to leave her.

"I wanted to show you around," Erwin said as they continued walking hand-in-hand, "It's way better than being at home,"


It was weird for her to leave the place she spent her entire life in and move into Erwin's place and suddenly call it home. But the longer she spent with Erwin, the more she forgot about Shiganshina. From the moment they met, Erwin was all she needed to keep her safe and company.

Soon a building presented a holographic banner with the king's face on it.

"It's the king!" she pointed excitedly.

"It's King Fritz," Erwin replied as the girl tugged on his hand.

The two continued walking around with brief stops here and there to purchase cakes. The sun was above their heads but surprisingly it wasn't that warm.

"What are we waiting for?" the girl asked as they waited by the sidewalk.

"A friend,"

Not long after, a car drove forward and stopped in front of them.

The person driving stepped out and greeted Erwin but didn't expect to see someone with him. Anyone could mistaken them as father and daughter. Now she was timidly hiding behind Erwin's legs.

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