⟼ 06: An Unpleasant Surprise

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Year 854
'An Unpleasant Surprise'

Jean turned around and a figure by the door greeted him. The light from inside the house shone out and he was able to make out their features. A man of average height with a pompadour a uniform monopolised by a certain division of their community. It was one of the black coats. A A lit cigarette balanced between his lips as a smile formed across his face with his arms crossed together.

"It's cold out there, sure you want to stay under that roof?" he asked, leaning against the doorway, "You'll get sick,"

Jean wrapped his khaki blazer around his body, "I'm good, sir,"

Just as soon as Jean finished his sentence, the rain began to pour heavier and lightning flashed in the sky, resulting in a loud thunder.

The man lightly laughed, "Whatever floats your boat, kid. It's warm inside in case you need shelter. Leave as soon as the rain stops," he said as he turned on his heel and walked into the warmth of the building.

Jean hesitated. This was probably the first time he had a conversation with a black coat ever since he joined the organisation, they always intimidated him. He was in his thoughts when the black coat knocked on the window from inside, threatening Jean that he'd lock the door. A sinister looking smile crept on his face.

Jean ran inside without a second thought and warmth immediately engulfed him. Rainwater dripped from his drenched clothes, wetting the floors. It might be a hassle to clean it up but the man paid no attention to it.

"Catch," the man said, tossing Jean a dry towel.

He looked around. It was a fairly large room with a wooden table in the centre. The setting was similar to the main conference room with shelves stacked against nearly every wall. Two couches also made its home near windows and it was dimly lit with only a few working bulbs as their source of light. Jean didn't fail to notice the bottles of booze hidden carelessly under a black cloth beside a bookshelf.

"What are you gazing around for?" a woman sat on a couch stared at Jean as she asked. She stood up and made her way wobbly to the table, eyeing his figure.

"Give him a break, Lynne," the man from earlier said, giving Jean a pat on the shoulder, "I'm Officer Gelgar by the way,"

"Kirschtein," he introduced.

"Hey," Officer Lynne slurred, "Kirschtein? Ain't ya that newly promoted corporal that lead his squads into a massacre? Lance Corporal Kirschtein, right?"

Jean nodded shamefully. Word travelled fast in their small community.

"Don't listen to her," Officer Gelgar, draped his arm over Jean's shoulders and dragged him sit on one of their chairs. Jean was taken by surprise.

A couple bottles of beers sat on the table near a holographic projector. Gelgar lifted one to offer to Jean to which he refused. He raised a questionable eyebrow.

"How old are you? I don't think any of you kids care about the law now that you've signed up for this godawful organisation,"

"I'm 19, sir," Jean replied timidly. He took his blazer off with their logo embedded on its back and hung it on a chair beside him to dry.

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