⟼ 02: Unsuccessful

108 6 0


Year 854

Erwin watched the two run down. In his adroit mind, he had the blueprint of the interior memorised. There were areas with evident places of hiding but it has been some time since their last infiltration, he doubt it was still 100% the same. In the hundreds of rooms, he just had to figure out which one held their beloved king.

"There should be one here somewhere if I'm not mistaken," Erwin walked slowly. He eyed every single piece on walls to see if anything was misaligned or if any fingerprints were present on picture frames.

Then he glanced at his weapon, his war machine. She stood still as waiting for a command and she firmly gripped onto her arsenal. A devilish smirk found its way onto Erwin's lips under his mask.

"Eris," he said, gaining her attention. Her blue eyes looked at him immediately, "Survey the area for me. Knock out anyone and everyone that comes in our way,"

Giving him a solemn nod, the raven haired girl dashed forward. She went in and out of every room with Erwin safely behind her. There was no regret nor hesitation in her when she harmed those in her way.

Most rooms had government officers cowering in corners, begging the walls to keep them safe. Each proudly wore Capitol's sacred emblem that meant nothing to Erwin. Following Erwin's orders, Eris knocked them cold.

She marched to the last room of the corridor. Before she could kick the door open, Erwin raised a hand.

"Stop," he said with a raised eyebrow. Eris lifted her head to look at the blonde commander and she met his bemused eyes, "On your feet,"

Eris nodded and waited for his words.

"Something's wrong," he said above a whisper and signalled her to go in to which she acted immediately.

She slowly pushed the door open. It was eerily silent. Whilst the other rooms had people trembling under tables, this was completely empty. She searched every nook and cranny, her hands traced the walls but found nothing. She couldn't exactly find what he thought was suspicious.

She shrugged her shoulders.

Erwin burned with curiosity. There shouldn't be a bunker in this room. The one he expected to encounter was four doors away. He took a step forward, not minding the girl and studied the room. There was nothing that stood out in particular and looked just like a regular boring office with thrashed paperwork lying around.

Distant taps on the floor reached their ears.

Sounds of feet running on the tiled floors came closer and closer to the commander and his weapon. Eris reacted first when a figure stepped into the room. She raised her gun in front of her face while she stood in front of Erwin, shielding him from whatever that could happen.

"It's just me, you brat," Levi panted, giving Eris a sour look. The girl moved away from Erwin, "We have to reroute back to Shiganshina, Smith. We've got too many casualties from Combat Unit One,"

Erwin grimaced under his mask. Another unsuccessful mission.

"Regroup all the forces at the rendezvous point. I'll be there in a sec,"

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