⟼ 10: A New Beginning

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Year 846
Arina: Part 3
'A New Beginning'

Her eyes fluttered open to be greeted by luminous bright lights above her. She turned her head to observe her surroundings, it was all too familiar yet she's certain she's never stepped foot in the room before. Her head looked to the right and a monitor sat next to her, steady beeping rhythm sounded from time to time. To her left was a large wall with a black screen reflecting her that served as a one-way mirror.

In her reflection she noticed her arms and legs were bound tight onto the bed she was on.

Soon a hoard of white coats approached her with their faces covered. Each did a different task. One pierced her skin with a needle, one was working with the monitor, one even bothered to adjust the stiff pillow under her head.

While these people were busy with whatever minuscule task they had at hand, one stood far from the rest. A tall figure with a covered face was leaning against a wall with their arms crossed.

She lifted her head to get a better view of the person when suddenly someone forced her head back onto the uncomfortable pillow. She would have let out a groan but somehow her voice didn't allow her.

She had no idea where she was nor had she any idea what was happening.

The door opened once again and a person with a shorter build entered.

"How's it going?" the shorter one muttered.

"Well," the taller answered.

"I suppose we'll be off to Shiganshina soon? Seeing that she's finally awake," the shorter asked, "Took her long enough. I would've assumed she was a lost cause,"

"She's a strong girl, Levi," the taller responded, "Has Hannes said any word? Once the trains are up and going, that's when we depart. What about the house?"

Levi, the shorter one, nodded mindlessly under his mask, "Luckily Varon was a mechanic before Wall Maria fell, he was able to help fix the trains. It's going smoothly. As for the facilities, they're ready to accommodate her. Steel walls, steel doors, just like what you asked for. The basement remains untouched. The layout of the land is just as expected. Given a few weeks, they'll be able to refurbish anything necessary for WoF,"

"Thank you, Deputy Ackerman," the taller couldn't hide the pride in his voice.

"Captain Levi has a better ring to it, Commander Smith,"

"Very well," he nodded, "I take it your kid has packed up for this journey?"

"She's not my kid, she's just some brat I foster,"

The two men left the room and brought their conversation elsewhere.

"How are you feeling?" a voice spoke. It was familiar yet foreign.

The girl turned to the source of the voice and it was a doctor. They removed their eyewear but didn't lower their mask, so only their eyes greeted the girl.

"It's been nearly four months, it's nice to see you're awake now. Do you know how worried we were? Especially Mr Eyebrows there. I don't think he wants to admit it but he probably misses you," they chuckled with their eyes creating crescents above the mask, "We'll be departing to a new land soon. I hope all goes well for you,"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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