⟼ 07: Tears in Clandestine

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Year 854
'Tears in Clandestine'

Her grip was tight. If anything, it looked as if she intended to kill. Her knee was heavy on his chest, leaving little room for Jean to breathe. With all sorts of weapons mounted on the walls, Jean would probably have to kiss this life good bye.

All that filled the room were the sounds of Eris' heavy breathing accompanied by grunts.

His body was twisted slightly and both his arms were gripped by her hands to his side. Her other hand tugged his collar. Jean's movement were restricted. Jean tried pulling his arm off her grasp but she was a thousand times stronger than he was. His head whipped in every direction just to find anything to save him.

It was at that moment when a force pulled Eris away from Jean.

"Kirschtein!" Hange held back Eris with both their arms. They panicked, "What the hell are you doing here?"

Fear was evident in Jean's eyes and Hange noticed. It wasn't at all normal for their soldiers to suddenly be faced with Eris. Nor was it normal for their soldiers to roam around this part of the district, away from the training grounds.

"Eris, how did you get out of bed?" Hange dragged Eris onto her feet away from Jean and the girl immediately whipped her head towards them. Her blood continued to trickle down her wound, flooding the white tiles, "Where did Moblit go? Did the anaesthetics wear off already?"

Eris tried fighting Hange off with the minimal strength she had. The drug she was on still had its effects on her hence why she seemed weaker than she usually was. Even with lacking strength, she was still stronger than Hange.

Hange moved the door open with their leg and noticed how Eris' bed had toppled over. Such equipments were messed on the floor and an IV drip had fallen over.

"On your feet, Corporal,"

Jean faced Hange and noticed what they were signalling at. Immediately he ran into the room and brought up the bed.

"Help me get her up,"

Jean's eyes widened but it was not the time for him to refuse his superior. Grabbing ahold of Eris' arm, he helped Hange drag Eris' affray state into her room. Her head snapped towards Jean and she launched herself towards him, causing him to lose grip and trip onto the ground. Hange was quick to pull her back.

They got Eris onto the bed after some struggling. This time Hange cuffed her arms onto the railings before giving her another dose of anaesthetics. Soon, she stopped fighting and calmed down.

When Hange finished, Jean wasn't in the room.

Outside the metal doors, Jean's face was still as pale as if he'd seen a ghost. Beads of sweat fell off his face and his shirt was utterly disheveled with splotches of blood on it. Understandably, Eris' dismayed state was perhaps the closest comparison to a ghost.

"So this is where you went after the meeting," Hange began as they stared at Jean's figure panting against a wall with hands covering his ears, "Can't say I'm not jealous, I'd do anything to escape any meeting that involves those two birdbrains,"

Jean stood straight with trembling legs, "I apologise for my insubordination, Deputy Hange,"

"Save it," Hange waved a hand, "I just have one question. How the heck did you get into that situation? How did you even get here in the first place? Naturally, you guys would go to the mess hall or barracks,"

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