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Of course, lunchtime had to be the most chaotic. Even though today had gone by smooth lunch however fucks it up. Y/n sighed grabbing a bag of chips from her locker too lazy to get in the lunch line. Loud laughing could be heard from the hallway right by the corner. Y/n said leaning her head on her locker she had a killer headache. And the people laughing were making it worse.

She wished people would just shut up and eat their lunch already. But her wish wasn't granted y/n sighed walking away. From her locker making her way outside of the school. Looking out for Akina her best friend who was always early. Looks like she's a little late today y/n walked up to a tree. Akina and Y/n always met up at this tree.

Akina and Y/n were very similar but also super different. Akina was that girl Y/n would never let go of even if Akina wanted to leave. They were stuck together for the rest of their lives. Both did have fights....drama and other shit like that. Every pair of friends goes through stuff but what was important was. That they were able to solve all the problems and come back together.

Often if you were looking for one of the two girls. You could find them both together in a hallway. Walking out of class together texting each other. Waiting for the other while one ties their shoes. Though both Y/n and Akina went through relationships that didn't end so well. Their friendship stayed it became stronger as the days went on.

"Bitch I'm sorry kinda I'm late," Akina said almost tripping because of her clumsy ass.

"Explain I waited here for ten minutes bitch" grabbing Akina's hand so she wouldn't fall Y/n asked for an explanation.

"Gojo...Gojo Satoru"

"Him? What did he have to do with you being late?" Y/n paused for a second "was he trying to hit on you Akina...no! Don't fall for it.!!!" Y/n started lecturing Akina she wanted to protect her best friend. From boys who would break her heart.no friend would want to see their best friend's heart broke.

"The fuck No! Y/n he's hot but I wouldn't fall for him! No need to lecture me chill!" Akina laughed a bit squeezing Y/n's hand a bit.

"Oh, then what did he want from you?" Y/n asked tilting her head to the side a bit. Confused she waited for Akina to say something.

"He was asking if WE were going to the party today specifically you... or that's what I think he was trying to say bitch I don't know—" Akina whined she didn't know what Gojo was trying to ask. But from what she did understand he wanted to know if Y/n was coming.

"Me? what the actual fuck" Y/n watched as Akina grabbed Y/n's bag of chips. She glared at Akina though Akina didn't give a shit. And continued to open the bag of chips. She looked up at y/n and stuck her tongue out.

"Keep talking while I finish this whole bag" Akina laughed before going to grab a chip. Y/n snatched the bag from Akina.

"Who the fuck said you could eat these?" Akina pretended to shiver from y/n's glare.

"I did now gimme"

"Fuck Nah"

"Y/n Bae come on"

"Akina babe no"

"Sharing is caring!!"

"No, the fuck it ain't! And you know that!" Y/n and Akina were both dying laughing. Fighting for the bag of chips. That they both would probably end up sharing.

"So she's the one huh?" Gojo looked out of the big glass windows seeing Y/n and Akina fight for the bag of chips. Maybe it would be best to start his plan at the party. But he had to make sure Y/n came he had heard from a couple of people. She didn't go to a lot of party's though be remembers seeing her at some.

"Stop staring at the girls you look like a creep" Nanami mumbled walking beside gojo he looked at the girls. Before turning back "lemme guess it's one of them" Nanami sighed.

"Mhm," Gojo hummed still watching how the two girls were now sharing the bag. while leaning their backs against the tree laughing. "Should I go talk to her" whispering almost

"You mean you're gonna skip class? Lunch is over" Nanami said before walking away from the window. And to his next class leaving gojo behind.

"Should I wait till the party...?" He questioned himself not finding an answer though. "But what if she doesn't come" that was the only answer he could find. "Take it or leave it gojo"

 "Take it or leave it gojo"

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Authors note

Bruh this chapter is so short I hate myself anyway. I was gonna finish this about 2 days ago. But stupid school got in the way so here's a short chapter. I'll update soon tho ima try doing weekly updates. Also, Akina is my oc I'll tell you more about her as the story goes on!. Also, there will be more information about her on my character list.

Oh lol and the character list is coming soon. I just need to decide if I wanna add the first or second years. I think I have an idea I'm gonna make it a draft. For later on in the story and I'll see if it fits in. Oh my god, I need to get off TikTok. I have so many assignments to do and I still spend so much time on TikTok.

I'm gonna make one soon *lip bite*

Stay safe <3
Stay hydrated!
Have a good day/night ! !
See ya next time

Chapter 2 coming soon 🔜

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