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"Is she asleep" akina whispered to getou.

"I don't know take a peek" he whispered in a very low tone back.

"Fine wait" Akina leaned up a little it looked like y/n was still awake. But it also looked like she was soon going to fall asleep. "She's awake and so is Gojo "

"Are they into the movie that much?" Getou raised his eyebrow as akina slowly moved back Trying not to disturb them.

"The movies about to end isn't it?"  Akina asked and getou nodded

As the movie started to come to an end Gojo looked at y/n. Who was sound asleep in his arms all wrapped up in the blanket. He realized y/n's back was slightly exposed. when he tried moving his hand out of the blanket. Her skin was burning hot Gojo placed his hand back on y/n's back. After his attempt of trying to take it out of the blanket failed.

The movie ended as getou and Akina got up from the sofa. akina turning off the tv and then turning to Gojo.

"Now what?" Getou asked.

"Gojo can you carry her up to her room" Akina asked seeing no other way for this to work. Gojo nodded in agreement as he scooped y/n up into his arms. Making sure she was secure and wouldn't fall. As he walked up the stairs to y/n's room.

He placed her down on her bed gently pulling her top down. He went to walk away but y/n's hand was grasping onto his shirt tightly. God what was she dreaming of? That's all Gojo could think of. He tried removing it but he didn't want to wake her up. As y/n went to turn around in her sleep. Her grasp on Gojo made him fall onto her. His hands on both sides of her. Holding himself up.

Getou was about to walk in Gojo looked at him with help written on his face. Getou tried telling Gojo with his hands to lay down next to her. And gojo understood laying down next to y/n. Akina walked in behind getou.

"Oh looks like she thinks Gojo is her teddy bear" akina said Gojo went to get up "no no it's fine you can stay here if you get up she'll wake up" akina yelled in a low low voice.

"You sure Akina?" Gojo said in a low tone.

"Yeah it's fine the room you and getou were gonna sleep in has a couch one of us can sleep their" she smiled and Gojo nodded

"Then shall we go?" Getou asked waitibg for akina to lead the way.

"Yeah let's go good night!"

"Good night" Gojo mouthed back and with that getou and akina left leaving the door cracked.

Gojo layed back down on his side staring at y/n who was sleeping so peacefully. Of course he wasn't gonna do anything. That would be disgusting Gojo would never do anything without consent. Consent was important to him and it should be important to everyone.

Gojo pulled the sofa blanket off of y/n leaning up to grab the blanket on her bed. And pulling it up and on top of y/n. She still was grasping onto Gojo's shirt which made him smile. She did have a strong grip. Gojo layed back down on his back.

For some time it was okay but then he was starting to burn under this blanket. He held y/n's hand lightly that was holding onto his shirt.

"Can you please let me take off my shirt miss y/n" he whispered as he turned to face her. Slightly intertwining their fingers which made y/n slowly let go of his shirt.  "There we go" he smiled as he pulled y/n's hand and his hand away from his stomach.
"Thank you" he sighed in relief pulling his shirt off with one hand. And then he realized the other problem. He sighed in disappointment this time.

"Y/nnnnnn" he whined y/n snuggled more into the blanket. "Fuck" just then an idea hit him he saw a teddy bear on the side table. He grabbed it slowly pulling his hand away from y/n's. And slipping in the teddy bear pulling his hand away fully. Slowly sliding his shirt away from the other side too. And throwing it somewhere on the ground.
"Seems like you like my hand or shirt better then that little teddy bear" he smiled pulling the teddy bear away and intertwining their hands again. Gojo finally got comfortable pulling the blanket slightly on him. He was finally ready to sleep. Until y/n turned to the other side forcing Gojo to to turn with her. His arm around her their hands intertwined.

"God" he whispered fixing the blanket with his other hand. He hugged y/n I mean he had no other choice. Resting his head on a pillow they both were sharing now. It was comfy really comfy actually. It was warm too. Gojo felt like he could fall asleep any second.

And that's what happened....

The next morning

Authors note

Nah cuz didn't I just update yesterday actually 16 hours ago oh wow y'all must feel lucky rn


Stay safe I forgot to say that last time! But here are your daily or whenever I update reminders

Stay safe!
Stay hydrated!
And remember your perfect just the way you are! And it's okay to be different!

Until next time! Bye bye!

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