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"Uh"  the two paused trying to not assume what was going on. But their brains couldn't help but think of it.

A couple of minutes ago

Y/n swiftly moved her arm down Gojo's chest before Akina and getou had walked in. Grabbing the bag of chips from Gojo's hand hearing Akina's laugh. Y/n pushed gojo away revealing the bag of chips in her hand.

"Oh your back" y/n smiled "did you find your ring?" She asked moving away from Gojo.

"Yeah it was right outside the front door" getou answered "were you two getting snacks?"

"Yep let's go upstairs now we could watch a movie?" Y/n suggested akina nodded agreeing with y/n. The boys followed along as they headed upstairs into y/n's.

It was a medium size room light minty walls. Her bed was in the middle of the room to the side. She had a sliding mirror closet. Two fluffy rugs on both sides of her bed. Led lights going around the whole room. Y/n's room overall looked cozy and comfy it wasn't clean clean.. but it was clean..

"Your room looks so clean" Gojo said as he stepped in turning his head around. Looking at the pictures up on the wall Akina was in a lot of them.

"Thank you I try" y/n gave him a sweet smile "Akina you can go change first and you two can sit down on my bed if you." y/n said as she sat down her bed. Akina walked over to Y/n's closet grabbing some pjs and then walking out of the room to the bathroom.

As y/n and the boys sat on the bed she realized how late it had gotten. "You two could stay the night if you wanted we could study in the morning" y/n offered. Gojo and getou looked at each other.

"Sure" Gojo smiled at y/n getou nodding in agreement.

"I don't have change of clothes for you guys"

"It's fine we can sleep in anything we just prefer to take our shirts off" getou said as he rubbed the back of neck with his hand.

"Ohh really?" Y/n laughed " you guys can do that I don't mind and I'm sure Akina doesn't either"  she said as akina walked back in

"I don't mind what?"

"Then taking their shirts off before going to bed"

Akina smirked at y/n as the boys didn't notice it. Y/n raised an eyebrow as a reply.

"Yeah sure i don't mind also y/n you can go and change now we'll head downstairs"  getou got up from the bed following Akina out and Gojo followed behind.

Before Gojo could step out side of the room y/n stopped him.


"I heard a rumor a while ago that you could see everything with your eyes covered was it true?" Y/n asked out of curiosity.

"It's true"


"You want proof?" Gojo smirked

"Not in the way your thinking of but yes"

"Which way am I thinking of?" Y/n rolled her eyes choosing not to answer that question. "If you wanna try it out go ahead blindfold me" Gojo suggested

"I think akina and getou are waiting for you maybe after the movie?" Y/n smiled as she gently pushed Gojo out of the room.

"As you wish"

Y/n headed down after changing to see they had already chosen a movie. And seats she sat in between Gojo and akina. Getou was right beside Akina with all the snacks. Akina passed a blanket to y/n as they got cozy. And then started the movie.

Through out the movie y/n didn't even realize when she had gotten all snuggled up. With Gojo his arms around her waist her head on his chest. The blanket over both of them. Both of them didn't know of this they were to lost in the movie but Akina and getou. Were more interested in whatever was going on between Gojo and Y/n rather then the movie.

Authors note<3

Hey! It's me again omfg are you guys proud of me rn? I'm updating faster then before lol
Anyways I'll see you soon my beloveds ❤️❤️

( also as I was reading the description for this book I realized I made y/n sound like one of those y/n's "🥺🥺🥺🥺" so uh)

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