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It was Still dark outside but it was around 4 am. Gojo was asleep while y/n on the other hand was starting to wake up. She yawned as she sat up but immediately her eyes widened. She was on top of Gojo her hand on his bare chest.

"What the fuck" y/n whispered as she examined her room. Gojo's shirt was laying on the floor pretty far from the bed. Y/n looked back down at Gojo he was sleeping with such a soft expression on his face. Soon y/n realized his hands were around her waist making sure she was secure. Y/n tried to move around and check the time.

"Mhmm what's wrong?" Gojo asked in a raspy fully asleep voice. Y/n gasped as she heard his voice. He pulled y/n closer making her lean on him. Y/n's eyes widened with the thought of what happened last night?. There's no way anything could have happened y/n didn't even sleep that deep.

"Gojooo?" She whispered "are you gonna wake up anytime soon" she said leaning closer to his face. Gojo's eyes slowly started to open as y/n leaned back up. What a sight Gojo opened his eyes to y/n on top of him her hands on his bare chest.

"Now that you've finally opened your eyes what happened last night" y/n asked eagerly Gojo blinked a couple of times before leaning up using his elbows as support.

"What do you think happened" he smirked y/n observed his morning face messy fluffy white hair eyes still half closed. Movements lazy holy shit he was hot.

"Nothing?" She asked worried

"Nothing" he gave her reassurance "what do you think I am I wouldn't do anything that would be disgusting of me" he let his elbows fall making him fall back on his back. Y/n sighed in relief.

"How'd we end up like"

"You weren't drunk last night were you? Try remembering it" Gojo whined he was still to sleepy to answer all these questions. Y/n stayed quite as she thought about it. Slowly touching Gojo's chest which made him widen his eyes. He looked at y/n she was completely zoned out. Gojo once again leaned up using his elbows as support.

"Thinking about how I would look on top of you" he whispered into her ear leaning closer to her face. Y/n snapped out of her thoughts their faces were so close. Just a little closer and their lips would touch. Gojo was holding back from filling in the gap.

Y/n couldn't handle the distance if he wanted to kiss her then he should just have. What's he been waiting for this whole time?. She moved her head forward their lips connected. Gojo's eyes widen at the sudden lip to lip contact. Y/n pulled away.

"What was that for?" Gojo smirked "couldn't resist that their was a hot ass man in your bed and your on top of him?" His smirk grew as he fed his own ego

"Oh please shut up" she connected their lips again this time bitting gojos bottom lip as she pulled away.

"Ah don't do that" he said as he placed a hand on y/n's neck pulling her head closer. He holded himself up with one elbow leaning just a bit closer. Connecting his lips with y/n's once again biting her bottom lip for permission. Which she granted gojos lips were smooth and soft. Gojos tongue smoothly entered y/n's mouth exploring it. She gasped into the kiss as gojos tongue met with her own.

Suddenly a alarm went off y/n went to pull their lips away. But Gojo wasn't gonna let go until they both weren't dying for air. Y/n squeezed Gojos shoulder Gojo let his elbow fall down. Apply slight pressure to y/n's neck making her lean down. As gojos back touched the bed again. The feeling was amazing the way their lips moved together perfectly. Gojo pulled away for a breather. Y/n's thoughts were all messed up all she could think about was. When her lips would touch gojos again.

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