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Gojo went silent as he finally realized what Getou's plan was. "Oh....sure thank you" Gojo replied with a bright smile. Y/n smiled back before she started walking home with Akina.

"My $20?" Getou smirked

"You didn't tell me you were close with Akina?" Gojo rolled his eyes as he pulled 20 out of his wallet.

"I did you were to busy texting a girl"

"Sorry ill pay attention to you more often princess"

"It's ok- princess?!?! Are you kidding me"

"Oh so you prefer queen? my queen"

"Fuck off just give me my 20" Getou snatched the 20 out of Gojo's hand. And the two started walking behind the girls. It was quite awkward.

Reaching y/n's home the awkwardness grew. As y/n unlocked the door to her house. And everyone walked in one by one.

"We can go up into my room or just choose another spot" y/n said hanging her keys up and taking her shoes off

"Uhhh it's 2am... should we really study now I'm too tired" Akina whined. Gojo and getou looked at each other and nodded.


"I don't think we'd remember anything by tomorrow morning if we study now" Gojo added on.

"Well then" y/n looked around as she was thinking about something "about the sleeping arrangements we only have one bedroom available"

"I thought their were 5 rooms y/n?" Akina asked

"There was but we can't use my parents or brothers room and the other room is off limits it's full of junk" y/n explained

"If it's okay me and Gojo are fine with sharing a room right Gojo?" Getou bugged Gojo to agree with him

"Yeah what he said"

"Well then that's settled akina you can show them to the room" y/n said as she walked over to the kitchen  opening up a cabinet for snacks.

Gojo was confused on what getou had on his mind. He had no idea what to do? How was he supposed to win this bet.

"Follow me!"

"Wait akina.. I think I dropped my ring outside will you and Gojo come help me look for it"  though this wasn't planned getou actually did lose his ring. Gojo raised an eyebrow at getou suddenly getting an idea.

"I have to go to the bathroom Uhm where is it?" Gojo asked.

"Right around that corner" Akina pointed the way as she agreed to helping getou and walked out the door.  Gojo made his way to the bathroom. Halfway there Gojo turned back he didn't actually have to go to the bathroom. He just thought this would be a good moment for him and y/n to be alone. He walked over to were he saw y/n walk too.


"Over here walk straight" she yelled in friendly yelling tone. And Gojo walked straight making his way into the kitchen he observed y/n from the doorway. "Just gonna stand there and stare at me like a weirdo?" She laughed turning to face him leaning on the fridge a bit. Gojo shifted his body a bit and y/n shifted hers. Gojo replied with a little laugh as he walked over to her.

Grabbing a bag of chips that was on top of the fridge.

"I know what your trying to do already" y/n said as she tried moving away from the fridge. But Gojo blocked her way by putting his hand on the fridge. Almost pinning her to the fridge.

"Then what am I trying to do?" Y/n smirked as she wrapped her arms around Gojo's neck making he raise an eyebrow.  She pulled him down she could feel his breath down her neck. To her shoulders as she was about to whisper it too him.

"Well at least we found it" Akina laughed with getou walking into the kitchen.

Authors note

Ik ik you all hate me for not uploading for so long and then coming out with this shitty update BUT THIS IS A CHAPTER I WROTE BEFORE MY BREAK SO I JUST DECIDED TO FINISH IT DONT WORRY ILL START WORKING ON THE NEXT ONE RIGHT NOW!!!!!

I love you seriously I love you so much I'm sorry for taking a break without mentioning anything my mental health just couldn't write anymore. Lol
I'm doing better now :)))

Anyways stay safe
Wear masks
Take care of yourself
Stay hydrated
And remember your loved mwa<3

I'll see you soon

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