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*not spell or grammar checked*
I wrote this in kind of a hurry sorryy!!!

Turns out gojo didn't take that opportunity instead he went to class. Still being late for the lecture he had to stop and flirt with ladies. That came across his way to class. on the other side of the school, Y/n sat on the grass with her best friend. She had a free period which gave her time to spend with her best friend. Talking about the party tonight Akina tried convincing Y/n to come.

"Please, please come Y/n I don't wanna be lonely " Akina particularly begged Y/n to come they always went to parties together. Y/n giggled as Akina continued begging. "This isn't funny!" Akina grunted upset that Y/n wouldn't go to the party with her.

"Fine!...fine! I'll go" finally agreeing to go Akina squealed in excitement.

"I'm choosing our outfits!!" Akina looked at Y/n with a smirk. She knew exactly what outfits they both were gonna wear.

"Oh no....."

"AhahH!" Akina laughed at y/n's worried expression. "Shouldn't we get to class now?" She mumbled pulling y/n towards the school building.

"Meet me by the tree after school" Y/n hugged Akina before walking to history.

Entering the classroom y/n had the suddenly remembered. She forgot something in her locker but if she told her teacher that. He wouldn't let her go because they were gonna study for a test today. So she had to use the excuse to go the bathroom. When she was just gonna go to her locker.

Expecting the hallways the be clear since everyone should be in class. Y/n walked freely she knew what was around her. She didn't feel the need to watch where she was going. These hallways were memorized in her brain. Yet her senses told her to pay attention to where she was going.

"Ow!" Y/n whined as she bumped into someone In the hallway. A tingling pain sensation rushed through her shoulder.

"Watch where you're going" a male's voice mumbled back his tall figure shadowing over her.

Sorry" she placed her hand onto her shoulder rubbing it to ease the tingling. Without looking back she continued walking towards the girl's bathroom.

"Wait" the guy looked back at Y/n who paused for a second.

"Can I help you?" She said her tone light and comforting she didn't wanna sound mean. She didn't want to be mean to a freshman. Or so she thought.

"Well," Gojo thought for a second about what to say "I had a question,"  he said turning towards Y/n

"Hm?" For some reason, Y/n felt this uneasy feeling more nervous than uncomfortable. Gojo's knowledge and sense about girls. Was just telling him Y/n didn't know who she was talking to. He guessed she thought he was some freshman who got lost. Gojo laughed to himself guessing he should go along with it.

"Uhm so I heard there was a party tonight"  he watched as Y/n didn't turn around to face him.

"Right? What about it?"


"Sorry, but shouldn't you be in class?"


"Then you should get going otherwise you'll get in trouble"  Y/n smiled a little bit turning to look at The boy. But Gojo had already turned around.

"Oh yeah, thanks" Gojo mumbled before walking straight down the hallway. Y/n watched him she still couldn't tell it was Gojo. Though she turned back around walking towards her locker.

Authors note

Hey hey hey!
I think I said something about weekly updates Ahah well. As you can see I'm updating after a couple of weeks. A month actually LMFAO yeah I'm sorry!. But on a good note, my finals are almost over so that means I'll have more time to write. Yayayaya!

Also, it was my birthday this month May 10th yeah kinda wish it wasn't.

playlist coming soon I need some song suggestions tho I have a couple already.

Anyways I think Y/n is blind like how did she not know it was Gojo 🙄. Bro i totally forgot Gojo is actually pronounced Go-Jo not Jo-Jo.

That's all for today!
See you next time!
Take care! Stay safe!

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