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Ahhh please forgive me dear readers! For updating after so long. I've just been really busy! Without wasting more of your time let's get into the chapter!
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Ignore grammar or spelling mistakes! I'll fix them!!

Y/n stood in front of her mirror looking at her own body. How the dress pointed out all her curves it was a bit revealing though.

"Y/n oh my god!" Akina yelled from the bathroom she was also checking out her outfit. That y/n had picked for her while Akina also picked Y/n's.

"I knew you would like it!" Y/n smiled walking towards the bathroom in her room.

"I look like I could definitely get laid tonight"

"I mean that's up to you" Y/n smirked as she looked into the mirror. "I won't be there for long" Akina looked at y/n with a sad face.

"Come on"

"What don't look at me with that face we have a test tomorrow"

"So your leaving me to study"

"Exactly" Y/n and Akina both laughed walking out of the bathroom one after one.

"Planning on bringing any guys home i mean your parents aren't home" Akina watched y/n put on her black heels. Strapping them up before looking back up at Akina.


"Can I come?"

"Anytime you have a key just use it"

"Yes! Alright then let's go!"

At the party~

Arriving at the party both girl walked up to the house. Double doors at the front entrance this student must be rich. Walking side by side they entered the house. Which looked pretty normal just a huge welcome poster. Was hanging of the roof looked like someone taped it there.

"Let's go check out what they got-"

"Food" y/n dragged Akina inside trying to find where the food was at.


"Got a plan?" Getou asked sitting on the catch beside Gojo. A soda in his hand while his eyes followed the smell of pizza.

"you smell that too right?" Gojo asked noticing where getous eyes where looking. Making both boys laugh. "Hmm let's see to get to Y/n I must go through Akina" Gojo put on his thinking face pulling down his glasses.

"What do you mean?"

"Dumbass it's easy all I have to do is become Akina's friend" Gojo slide his glasses back on.

"No you're the dumbass cuz that's not gonna work"

"Wanna bet"



"Gojo's over there!" A girl yelled loud enough for gojo and getou to hear. Giving both boys enough time to flee from the area. Lucky they found there way to the kitchen. From a far view Gojo's eyes landed on a group of girls. All of the girls were beautiful but his eyes landed on Y/n.

She looked... gorgeous of course gojo noticed the way her dress tightened near her thighs. It's like his eyes were stuck on her glued to the sight.

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