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PHOTO - Strike at his garage

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PHOTO - Strike at his garage


I slept fitfully that night, tossing and turning, waking up with a pounding heart, a couple times just lying there listening to distant thunder that never fulfilled its promise of rain. I got up early at seven and made some coffee to chase away the cobwebs of bad sleep. I had showered after the wet dream, so after the coffee and an egg and piece of toast I pulled on a pair of cargo shorts and a t-shirt and was ready to go.

It was cloudy and there was a chance of rain through noon, but I needed to do something to take my mind off the night before. It was grating at me the way I felt about Jason and was afraid to do anything about it. I couldn't stop thinking about him. But I knew how he was. If I brought it up he'd deny he had similar feelings for me. He'd get totally pissed off and start fighting,  probably try to knock me out. It'd ruin our friendship and he'd never want to talk to me again. Really. He gets totally hot-headed like that.

So I got the riding mower out of the garage and started cutting the grass. There was an acre of it, with open areas behind the garage and alongside the house bordering the wooded hills. I'd have to concentrate on what I was doing. That'd get my mind of off him.

LOL. Yah right..

Because of the cloud cover, it wasn't too hot, and within an hour I was done with the cutting. I put the rider away and got out the weed whacker and did the trimming around the house and garage, and the sidewalk out front. When that was done I swept off the sidewalk with an old broom up to where it ended by the woods, then sat down on the front porch steps to take a break. It was only ten o'clock. I didn't know what the hell I was going to do with myself for the rest of the day in order to keep my mind off Jason. Probably run up to the top of the mountain behind the house, then work out with the weights in the garage.

I was considering doing the weightlifting first when I noticed a shiny black SUV coming down the street. I recognized it as Jason's mother's new ride, an expensive Lexus. His parents had money. His dad owned an insurance agency and they were one of Kenton's leading families, known and admired by everyone.

I'd been sprawled out on the steps but immediately tensed and sat up when I saw it was Jason at the wheel. I didn't know if I could be with him right now without just the fuck totally grabbing him. And ... whoa! That would not be cool. He would not like it

Like his conventional parents, Jason had airs about how a person should be and act, what was proper and what wasn't. But they weren't that big a deal, at least not to me, and I ignored them because I loved him and wanted to be his friend, and way the fuck more than just that. But in most ways I admired him and tried to be like him. He was the perfect All-American Boy, the polite and friendly popular high school jock, and no way could I ever be as cool or socially adept as he was.

He pulled the Lexus onto the gravel drive and I watched as he got out and walked around the front of it.

"Dude!" he called out, smiling at me. "What ya doin'?"

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