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** So what's up with Johnny?

I slammed the door behind me and hurried down the hall toward the elevator. My hands were pressing against the sides of my head as if to hold it in place because it felt like it was going to blow off any second.

Damn fucking Jason!

It was getting to me. It really was. I thought I had it under control, that Jason's crazy obsession wasn't going to piss me off. That I'd go along with it just to humor him, meet Channing, maybe fool around with him and pretend to be all hot for the dude. Just to appease Jason, ease his worried mind that I'd be okay and have somebody else in case the big awful worst, whatever the fuck that may be, happened.

But it wasn't working. Facing it about to happen in a few hours was making me edgy, ornery, resentful. Did I really have to throw myself at another dude to make my lover happy? It seemed so insane. I knew he was a nervous wreck, upset, scared because of some of the things that had happened ... but fuck! Wanting me to fall in love with somebody else and welcoming him into our relationship as a permanent third party?

Someone we don't even know?

I huffed it right past the elevator and headed for the stairwell. I needed some fucking exercise.

I pushed the door open and started running up the stairs. I'd read about running up the stairs in skyscrapers, how strenuous it can be to do tens of floors, how good it is for your heart and for building up your legs. We didn't have anything higher than three or four floors in Kenton, so I'd never had the chance to try it out.

And not much of a chance here either, so it seemed. After two more floors the stairs ended. The hotel was only twenty storeys high. Not much of a skyscraper by New York or Chicago standards, obviously, but pretty much up there with the biggies here in Columbus.

I didn't want to turn around and run down the stairs. That'd only be annoying, and I was already totally annoyed. I pulled open the door there figuring I'd go get the elevator, take it down to the fourth or fifth floor, and then run the stairs all the way back up.

Surprisingly, I stepped into a huge workout room. A couple dozen of the very latest fitness machines were lined up in rows near big windows that overlooked the city. Older-fashioned Universal and Nautilus machines were stationed behind them, and all the usual gym equipment one could want, including punching bags, big and small.

I walked into the room and wove in and out of the machines forgetting about the stairs, feeling comforted surrounded by the gym equipment. No big surprise, I spent part of almost of every day around it. The place was empty, nobody else in sight. Well, it was Friday night dinnertime in an exciting city. Who'd be in a gym except maybe a gym rat like me?

I could see that beyond the workout area there was a whirlpool, a sauna, and an indoor swimming pool, and beyond that a rooftop terrace with rows of chaise lounge chairs for tanning and tables with umbrellas for card playing or just hanging out.

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