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VIDEO  above - BORN THIS WAY (GLEE! cast)

By the time Johnny dropped me off at home, my dad had gotten the phone call from Strike and driven over to the garage. We probably passed him on the way, but I sure wasn't looking for him. I knew this was going to be like the total end of the world for him. After all, it was really his dream that I play football for Ohio State and the NFL. I had just bought into it, too, as I grew up.

But it was all so different now. Being with Johnny was my whole life. I didn't want to be away from him and I was not going to live without him. I just did not see how a queer couple could make it through the years ahead with one of them being a Big Ten and an NFL player. And I sure as hell didn't want to be the jock to pioneer it. I was not going to pursue a life where bigotry and prejudice would constantly be flying at me from every direction.

I didn't say anything to my mom. I figured we'd go grocery shopping and get that out of the way before having to face the dropping bombs. But my dad called just as we were going to leave for the grocery store. My mom answered the kitchen phone and I could hear my dad shouting from across the room. She had to hold the phone about two feet away from her ear, he was so loud.

She gaped at the phone, terrified. I could see the fear in her eyes. She held it out toward me. "It's your father. He wants to talk to you, Jason."

I crossed the room and took the phone from her hand, bracing for what was to come. I wasn't afraid. I knew my dad pretty well. He was a good man. A nice guy, generally. But if things didn't go his way he could be a real bastard. My mom was scared of him. I never had been because he'd always doted on me, but I knew that was going to change now. So I expected the worst.

This particular situation was not going to go his way. And I knew it would drive him crazy.

"Hi, Dad. What's up?" I said.

"Don't you 'What's up?' me, you little son of a bitch!" he shouted. "I saw the car. Okay, so no big deal, the insurance will cover it. But I made Strike tell me the whole story, and I sure don't fucking like any of it."

This was a first. He'd never sworn at me before.

"You made him?" was all I could think to say.

"Damn right. I told him it'd be a hell of a lot easier on you if he told me. Everybody knows he's queer. What was painted on that car, I figured he'd know what was going on. He hasn't touched you, has he? If he ever did anything to you I'll fucking ruin him!"

I groaned. "Hell no. He's not like that. Strike wouldn't bother me."

Which, all I could think, was a total drag. Because I sure would like it if he did.

"So it's you and Johnny, huh?" my dad said with such derision I wanted to throw the phone at the wall. "Fucking queers, huh? How long has this been going on?"

"A while," I told him, determined not to divulge every little detail.

"A while? What about Jeannie?" He was almost screaming. I'd never heard him go nuts like this before. "She's such a little hottie. I thought you were ... damn it, Jason! What about her?"

"Jeannie and I broke up," I said. "She knows about it. I was only going with her as a cover, and that sure wasn't fair to her."

"Jesus Christ! You don't like girls at all?"

"No, I'm queer. I love Johnny. Thinking about him gets my dick hard, not Jeannie."

I saw my mom's mouth drop open, and she gaped at me as my dad exploded on the phone.

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