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VIDEO above - FIGHT SONG,  Michael Barbera cover



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I called Jeannie.

I felt like I had to connect with everybody now. It had killed me not to talk to Dino and Danny, Harry and Corey. I felt like it was the last day I was going to be a...

"Jason!" Jeannie interrupted my anxious thoughts. "What the hell are you doing in town? Why aren't you with Johnny? I got a dozen messages about you this morning, texts and those pics of you and Braden. And that video of you and Braden and Carey – ohmygod! it's on Facebook already. Don't you guys realize people are watching every move you make?"

"Sometimes we forget," I said dryly. "Like when we're just living our lives the way we need to and being ourselves."

She harrumphed. "You guys are such sluts. You hold us girls to this crazy standard of fidelity when you all fuck around with each other just as you please."

"I don't think the guys would mind at all if you girls were all fooling around with each other," I countered.

That got a laugh out of her. "I doubt if that's going to happen. There seems to be an odd lack of lesbians at Kenton High. Obviously, the boys got all the gay genes. So Braden and Carey too, huh?"

"I guess it sort of looks that way."

"Oh, great answer. Who else?"

"I suppose you'll find out as time goes by."

"Oh, you are so evasive. But it's so sexy, Braden and Carey ... oh! They're so freakin' pretty. All the girls in town are gonna die over them today. They're way hotter than you and Johnny."

I could just see her smirking. "Well, thanks a lot, sweetie."

"You know what I mean. Those two are absolutely perfect. You and Johnny are so ... over developed."

"Because we're muscleboys? You sure the hell like it."

She snorted. "Yes, I love it. But so do you. Which is why you're with Johnny, not me. Why the hell aren't you in Columbus with him?"

I gave her a short version of how I met Cabel, how we learned we were brothers, and that I had to come home because I was worried about my mom.

"Ohmygod, that is so crazy. Yet it's so sweet that you two finally know each other. I can't wait to meet him, Jason. And he's gay too? No wonder your dad is so nuts. He must have an overload of those gay genes I just mentioned."

"And he obviously spread them around," I added with a snort.

I felt a little better talking to her. My hand holding the phone was shaking but at least I hadn't gone into full panic mode this time. I was watching the shadows in the woods along the ravine in back. Constantly moving as clouds raced by the sun and the breeze whipped branches about, none of them looked particularly human.

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