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Jason meets up with his daddy dreams in the bath house.

The aftermath of the Mr. Ohio Pride contest was incredible. The club patrons were literally wild over me. I guess I had really turned them on. Ethan had to call four more bouncers to join him and Ennis and the two who'd been by the table, just to get me off the stage and into the VIP Lounge.

There I had to hold court, CNN filming, like some long lost prince who'd just returned home, flanked by my buds and the bouncers and Jimmy and Chet too. That went on and on as the music played on and on again. The patrons filed by congratulating, chatting, taking pictures, asking about the sex video and will there be more to come, and all kinds of stuff – like trying to get the phone numbers of Jason, Channing, Ernie, Shondo and Cabel, even Jimmy and Chet. They were like my hot-as-fuck royal knights and everybody wanted them.

After about an hour of that, it was starting to get to me. Yah, the price of being a celeb is a hard one to pay. Haha! The lounge was mobbed with drinkers and the line of patrons who wanted to get up close and personal with me and Chet and Jimmy. You can't smoke in clubs in Ohio, so at least the air was clear, but all I was doing was standing there talking to people and it wasn't much fun anymore.

Jason and Channing and the others agreed. It'd been a lot more fun when we were out on the floor dancing. Cabel suggested it'd be a great time to go over to the bath house. The thought of a swimming pool and a gym, a whirlpool and a sauna, and hot naked studs all around really hit the spot. We all wanted to go.

I told Ethan and Ennis we had to be going and, after saying goodnight to Daniel and his crew, the brothers took us back through the lounge to their private office where Ennis photographed me for the Columbus Dispatch. He took several pictures, all shirtless, one a bicep-flex shot which I knew would really show off my muscleboy bod.

"I hope they use that one," I said.

"They probably will," Ennis agreed, showing me the shot on the viewer on the back of the camera. "You look awesome, dude. The pic will probably find its way to other Ohio and nearby states' newspapers too. You know how they all belong to those news service groups."

Then he and his brother gave us instructions where and when to meet for the parade in the morning and, after muscle-bound bear hugs and pleas to come back dancing soon, and VIP passes shoved into our pockets, we went out the back way into the alley behind the old warehouse.

"Whoa," I huffed in relief. "That was a hella good time, but am I ever glad to be outta there. I was starting to get claustrophobic in that crowd."

"Tell me about it." Jason turned to go to the parking lot where we'd left the car. "A couple hours of that is enough. Then it gets old real fast."

Cabel grabbed him by the arm and spun him around. "This way, hot stuff. We can walk to the baths down this alley. You can leave the car there and we'll get it later."

"Cool." Jason shook his head and made a face. "Fuck. How long does it take for your ears to stop ringing from that loud music?"

Shondo laughed. "Newbies! Takes about twenty minutes unless you have really sensitive ears. Then it could bother you all night."

"You should be all right," I told Jason as we walked down the alley. "All the head-pounding you've gotten on the football field, your ears ought to be pretty toughened up."

He flung his arm around Cabel and the other one around me. Channing made a face at him and slipped an arm around my waist. Cabel made a face at Channing and stretched his arm across Jason's back and grabbed my shoulder. Ernie and Shondo snorted laughs from behind and wrapped their arms around me.

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