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VIDEO above: I'M COMING OUT ... Diana Ross gay anthem

Jacey and Channing serve up a Quarterback Deluxe!

**Jacey and Channing serve up a Quarterback Deluxe!

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"It's just a mirror maze," Cabel shouted over the loud reverberating music. "Look at the real dude in front of you and follow him. Don't look at the mirrors. They confuse you and you won't know which way to go."

Now I could see the mirrored walls on each side of us reflecting off each other and multiplying us to infinity. The narrow passage twisted and turned every few feet to create angles and increase the duplication. Mirrored recesses where dudes could fool around were set into the walls here and there.

"Oh great. Thanks for letting us know in advance," Shondo busted Cabel's balls. "I was never back this way before. I thought we'd stepped onto the path to Hell after the Sodom and Gomorrah of those dormitories."

"Right," Ernie joined in as Cabel inched onward. "You got it coming, dude. I ought to fuck you for that."

Cabel laughed at him. "Sounds good to me. But I'm on a date with Jason, remember? Gotta clear it with him first."

"Screw him. He's gotta get it on with Johnny and Channing so they can start figuring out their new three-way gig. For the rest of the night you're with me and Shondo."

"Whoa there," Jason objected. "What? Now it's Ernie Alpha, too?"

But his voice trailed off as we twisted around a bend and other dudes came into view and then multiplied a thousand-fold all over the freaking place. They were in the passage and in its little recesses, some kissing, others sucking and fucking, and it wasn't just us in there anymore. It was endless dudes everywhere, some of them upside-down now and some in weird shapes because of carnival-like distortion mirrors fitted in here and there in the reflective walls.

"This is crazier than an old time fun house," Channing hooted. "Maybe next they'll be some zombies?"

But it was even worse than that.

We twisted around another corner and a gazillion dazzling colored lights started spinning, flying, whirling all around us and the other hundreds of us and the writhing humping other dudes. The effect was ridiculous, a dizzying freaky overkill, and we all instantly grabbed onto the mirrored walls to steady ourselves while still trying to hold onto each other.

"Yikes," I laughed. "This is brutal. What the hell?"

Jason pointed upward. "Lookit. It's a fucking disco ball."

On the ceiling up ahead, and in an endless number of places in the mirrors, was a circular beveled disco ball revolving in the middle of a light wheel that was shooting colored light beams at it. And, as if the place needed another shot of crazy, Michael Jackson's Billie Jean was being pumped into the maze, and its relentless beats and Michael's falsetto voice heightened the surreal atmosphere all the way to completely and totally insane.

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