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Video above - Sia's UNSTOPPABLE - #ProudToBeUnstoppable Michael Barbera cover

Jason learns that he's unstoppable.


I heard the elevator door close behind us. My arm was around Cabel's shoulders and we were staring at each other in astonishment as the car began to move upward.

"He's your dad?" I gasped.

"Yes!" His wide eyes gaped back at me. "Yours too?"

I was overwhelmed by a multitude of powerful emotions, not the least of which was the anger at seeing my dad holding a sexy young call girl in his arms while my mom was home alone down in Kenton. But what surpassed that and all the others, at least for the moment being, was the whomping pounding joy that Cabel was my brother.

I pulled him close so hard I probably hurt him. I couldn't answer his question. I couldn't speak. All I could do was nod my head. We were brothers, really fucking brothers.

But our dad quickly burst that bubble.

"What the fuck are you two boys doing together?" he erupted fiercely. "Jason! Why are you holding him like that? Jeezus fucking Christ!"

Rachel looked at him in surprise and placed a hand on his arm. "Jay, take it easy. These are nice boys. I know them ..."

"You know all the damn queers," he snapped at her. "Saying hello to them all over town like you're some kind of fag den mother. These boys are both my sons, and they're both queer. And it sure looks to me like they're being queer together."

The elevator seemed to be vibrating with his rage. "For goddamn sake! Now they're lovin' up each other?" He cast a look at the other boys behind us, then back to me. "I thought Johnny was your boyfriend? What the hell are you doing with Cabel?"

I was totally stupefied. I couldn't believe he was so angry. "Just getting to know him, Dad," I answered.  "We stopped to eat today where he works and, jeez, we look so much alike, we started talking ..."

"Yah, and now you got him for the night," he interrupted. "I heard what was going on when you  rushed in here. All night long, huh? Which one of you is fucking the other? Or do you take turns? I suppose I should be glad I don't have to worry about one of you getting pregnant!"

That's when I lost it. I totally fucking lost it. My whole life flashed before my eyes in a second and I knew it all to be a fraud. My mom walking the halls at night and taking her tranqs while my dad was up here in Columbus with other women,  girlfriends and expensive high class hookers, and helping to raise another son.

And he fucking dared to judge me for being queer?

I wanted to kill him.

"You rotten piece of shit!" I shouted, lunging at him.

But the boys had been watching me closely and in less than a second they were on me, grabbing me all over, pulling me back, shouting to stop, cool down, leave him alone.

And my dad hadn't even flinched. No, not Jace Landon. He'd tell Godzilla to go fuck himself and spit in his eye.

But I kept on shouting. "You mother fucker! You're up here in Columbus with this girl and mom's all alone down home? You reject me cuz I'm queer but you've been fooling around with other women all your marriage and even have an illegitimate son? You ..."

"Jason! Stop!" It was Johnny, trying to cover my mouth with his hand, holding me back with the others.

But I was in a rage and fighting them and I didn't realize I was crying until I tasted salty tears on my tongue.

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