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PHOTOS - Dino smooth

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PHOTOS - Dino smooth ...

I wanted to punch Coach Bailey's lights out for upsetting Jason. He was the team's star player and Kenton High wouldn't have any chance of victory without him. We had come in second place in the southeast quad-county conference last year, third the year before, and we had every reason to believe we could win it this coming season.

But Coach Bailey never gave Jason the kind of treatment he deserved, and the way he'd acted on the square was pretty much the same as he always did. Like Jason was the stereotypical dumb jock and needed to be led by the nose.

"Bailey's just a dick," I told Jason as we followed Dino's black pickup truck south on the Columbus Road. "Don't let it get you goin' all wacky. Don't let him ruin our date."

He'd been sitting shotgun with a grim expression on his face, but he inched closer to me now and replaced it with a smile.

"I'm all right, Johnny. I guess not being around him all these weeks made me forget how exacting he can be about every little thing. What a prick! How could he even bring up that crap? He knows we're popular and people will talk no matter what we do."

"Right," I agreed. "It's like Lil Wayne or Miley Cyrus. Good or bad doesn't matter, just so people are talking about you - that's what counts. If we play ball this season, the crowds will be bigger than ever just because everybody's talking."

"You bet your ass they will," he gruffed. "I'll make sure of it."

I looked over at him. He looked so pretty in his pink shirt I wanted to kiss him. "Whaddaya mean by that?"

"I dunno." He placed his hand on my thigh and began rubbing up and down. "I'll think of something. Bailey wants to make a big deal about me and you? I can make an even bigger one."

Leaving one hand on the wheel, I grabbed his wrist with the other and squeezed hard. "Don't go bonkers, dude. That's one of the reasons he's so antagonistic toward you. You tend to act before you think."

He rested his head on my shoulder. "Don't worry. I won't bonk out. But I won't stand for anybody saying anything bad about you and me, Johnny. I just won't. He's worried the universities are gonna find out I'm queer and in a relationship with you? Well, I'll make damn sure they do. And they can go fuck themselves too."

There was a sneer on his lips as he continued. "Who needs them? I really feel that way. Fuck 'em all. We can go out to L. A. and become porn stars or even hustlers on Hollywood Boulevard before I'll pretend to be straight just to please people or institutions."

I cringed hearing that, knowing he probably already had some plan in mind. But I didn't say anything. He was dead set that no one was going to bully us because we're queer and get away with it. And I agreed with that.

And I knew I had to lay off trying to boss him around. He was beginning to think of me as 'Johnny Alpha'. He'd actually called me that a couple times. And he was right. I really did want to be his total master, keep him on a leash and chain and have him obey my every command. Hell, he was the most beautiful muscleboy in the whole world. Who wouldn't want him as their personal love slave? It was a perfectly normal desire, as far as I was concerned. And he was more than willing.

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