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PHOTO above and at page bottom - SHONDO

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PHOTO above and at page bottom - SHONDO


The boys take off for Columbus for Pride Weekend.

By the time we got to sleep it was way into the wee morning hours. The same went for the other guys, so none of us were up and dressed before ten o'clock or so. I awoke hot and sweaty with Carey in my arms, my left arm under him numb like it was dead. Our noses were resting against each other, our lips touching.

Carey was still sleeping and Johnny was gone.

So I just lay there feeling the sweat trickle down my armpits and playing with dude's butt cheeks as my morning wood pressed temptingly against his.

I thought back to when we were kids and the twins and I were especially close. They were such well behaved boys because their parents were so strict. But I was a bad influence on them and sometimes we got pretty wild. They lived on the next street and we'd play together every day. We were on the same sports teams, and also a scouting group for eight to eleven year-olds known as the Indian Guides.

I rubbed Carey's nose with mine, smiling. It was so weird to be having sex with them now. Who would've thought? It's not something you think about in those young pre-puberty years, that when you get older you're going to be fucking your boyfriends.

I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him. I didn't know where my lover was, but Carey sure was nice to wake up to. I wondered if someday there'd be legal group marriages, like the Mormons used to have and some of their breakaway sects still do. That'd appeal to me and Johnny and our friends. The more hot loving dudes together, the better.

I heard the crunch of someone walking into the cave and a few seconds later came Johnny's voice. "Okay, lover boy, time to get up."

I looked over at him as he walked around the bend. "Aww fuck. I sort of like laying here with Carey."

Johnny was dressed and looked neat and clean despite the hot humid sex-drenched conditions of the night.

He laughed at me. "There was enough laying going on all night. We have to go home and work out. Then get ready for Columbus."

"Aye aye, suh!" I told him, then gave Carey a deep rough kiss to wake him up. I had to shake him too.

He slowly opened his eyes. "Hey guys. What's goin' on?"

Johnny reached a hand down to help him up. "Come on, dude. Your brother and Harry want to leave. The boys are all going to Bob Evans for a late breakfast. It's ten-thirty."

I yawned as Carey was pulled away from me, his lovely boner pointing up toward the cave ceiling. "Mmmm, breakfast. Sounds good."

"We're not going," Johnny said in his stern Johnny Alpha tone. "We need exercise. We'll gain five pounds each with all the food we ate last night if we don't get any."

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