Credits & Further Reading

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Thank you so much for joining me for "Vengeful Creations"! If you've made it to the end, you are truly a patient and resilient reader! All my love!

My total word count came to over 32,000. Whew!

As mentioned in the author's note, some of the characters in this novella have appeared in my other stories. Here's a short list of the characters and other works in which they appear, should you want to read about them a bit more. *wink*

Doctor Impossible, NightHawk, Lady Silk, and Knives all appear in the short stories "Paint the Town Red" and "Foiled Again," both of which are in the "Masked" collection.

Dr. Cadaver (as Gil Rosencrantz) appears in the novel "Carpe Noctem."

The cast (and basic plot) of "Hamlet" can be found (reimagined) in my stand-alone short story "The Haunting of Elsinore Manor."

Peter can be found in "Paint the Town Red," the flash fiction "Hindsight is 2020" (which is part of the "Welcome to My Wonderland" collection), and the short story "Inner Fight Club of the Jitters Matrix" (which is part of the "Reboot" collection).

The Archivist can be found (as Alice Liddell) in the short story "Never Wonder," which is part of the "Welcome to My Wonderland" collection.

And *BONUS* the concept and characters from Chapter 12a, "Once Upon an Apocalypse," is a story I am currently developing and will hopefully have out sometime next year!

*Bonus BONUS* I am currently revamping my 2009 novel "The Feminist Avenger" into an "origin story" of sorts for Lady Silk. NightHawk, Knives, Doctor Impossible, and (yes!) Peter will all make appearances. If you enjoy vigilante stories, please check it out!

Thank you again for reading! ♡

~ Mar

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