32. I really hate weeds

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What's up peeps! This is my favorite chapter yet (other than chapter 30 of course😜) Hope u like it!


32. I really hate weeds

The forest is getting thicker.

In fact, it's so thick that there's barely room for walking. The vines are heavy and thick like a maiden's wet hair after a bath.

"I feel like I'm walking on snakes," I mutter under my breath

Luke had to take out a sharp dagger and cut down the vines hanging in our path, and the fall to the ground like green snakes.

We seldom talk during our travel, partially because Luke is as talkative as a rock, partially because I don't want to fall in this forestry and I have to focus on my movements.

I look up at the sky, only to have my vision obscured by thick branches and leaves. I cant see a thing.

"What time is it?" I ask Luke, starting after him again

"Almost 7 in the evening," he replies, effortlessly cutting through the vines

"Almost 7?" my eyes widen "No wonder I feel like my legs are made of jelly!"

"You want to camp here?"

I look around the suffocating environment and speed up to fall in step besides him "What do you suggest then?"

"I suggest we go on until we find a place capable of staying at."

"And how long until we reach that place?" I ask

"As flattering as it is that you think I know everything," Luke casts me a cool glance from the corner of his eyes "I don't."

"You've disappointed me beyond measure."

My humor is greeted by silence.

"Well, then check that cursed map of yours," I say, ducking a freshly cut stack of vines as they drop

"That cursed piece of paper is our biggest weapon." Luke says, making no move to go through his bag

"Forgive me for my ignorance, I should respect thy sacred map," I say in a gravely voice "What does thy sacred map show, Sire Luke?"

"It shows something wet," Luke says "and slimy."

I only have a moment to catch the meaning behind his words when he stops and I almost fall into the swamp ahead.

Hurriedly steadying myself, I assess the swamp that stretches to at least the next fifteen feet.

Luke snaps a branch from a nearby tree and bends down, to dip it into the swamp.

I realize what he's doing and my nose crinkles "I really don't want to wade through it."

"As good as that sounds, we cant do that." Luke says, letting the branch be completely sucked up by the swamp "It's pretty deep."

Pursing my lips, I let my gaze wander. Only a moment later, I look up at the towering trees.

"We can use a fallen tree as a bridge," I say

"I doubt our luck can provide us that," Luke says, getting up "We'll have to help ourselves."

"Luke, not that I doubt you, but," I say and pat the truck of a tree "I don't think you dagger can cut through this in less than a millennium."

He lets the bag and dagger drop, with a roll of his shoulders, he asses the tree I just patted.

"I don't need a dagger for this, Hazel." Luke says, steering me aside

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