Surgery part. 2

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As soon as A. Johnson inspects the wound, he notices that the bullet is still inside.

"Guys, I need your help" A. Johnson says.
"What you need us for?"
"The bullet is still inside and I have to take it out quickly, so I need the right tools to do it"
"Sure. I'll go and get them for you"
"Thanks Patterson"

With that Patterson leave to gather the things I need.
10 minutes later, she returns with all the tools.

"Here...I also brought some morphine for the pain.."
"Thanks but that won't be very useful"
"'Cause when sh ewas captured by the CIA, she learnt how to control the effects of the drugs so now she's able to burn them"
"But you can't just take the bullet out without drugs"
"I know, but I don't really have a choise"

After that he began to cut the skin so he'll be able to stitch it up after the "surgery". But as soon as he put the clasps into the wound, Jane regained consciousness screaming.
Kurt couldn't hold back anymore and he begin to talk to her to calm her down.

"Hey Jane....shh it's ok. You'll be ok"
"Sorry Jane, I know it hurts but we have to do it so it doesn't get infected.."
"I know...Don't worry. I'm fine, just do it quickly"

After half an hour A. Johnson was able to stitch the wound and he told Jane to rest and that he'll check her tomorrow.

The following day
Janes POV

At 10 oclock I hear the door of the room opening. I turn to the other side of the bed to see who is it; and I notice that its Kurt.

Mornin Kurt you doing?
Im fine....a little sore but okay. You?
You were shot and youre asking me if Im fine?
Yeah well, now Im tired to just stay here
"Then well have to wait for A. Johnson to come to check you up
And with that Kurt was about to leave the room when he turned to tell me..
Oh and Jane? Im really sorry to have left ou in that black-site alone
I know but its not your fault...Dont worry

He didnt have the chance to answer that A. Johnson came in the room.

Hows my favourite patient?
David, youre not even a doctor.... I say laughing but then I stop moaning.
Im fine, Im fine I just laughed a lot that it start hurting
Well then let me control your wound
But when Ill be able to go back to work?
"How about Ill tell you after the checking up?

After a few minutes David tell me that I can go back to work, only if I take it slowly so that means no field work for some time.

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