Finding out

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Jane's POV

David and I head to the car to put on the bulletproof vests, then go an catch the Sandstorm man. Arrived on the spot, we meet with the other to divide us

"So Read you go with Zapata, Jane you're with me and..." Kurt says
"Sorry, but I'm going with David..."
"No, you're coming with me, end of story"
"Let me tell you two things Kurt: 1 I'm not working for the FBI so I don't take orders from you and 2 I trust David more than I trust you right now...So If you want you come with us otherwise you go with the orders"
"Fine , I come with you.."

Said that, we enter the house and David approach to me

"Jane, I forget to ask your arm?"
"Don't worry David...It only hurts me in winter..."
"OK, but you're taking painkillers?"
"Yes, but the fact that the FBI handcuffed me with my arms behind me doesn't help"
"Well then, when we're coming back, I look at it"
"It's fine David, you don't have to worry"
"You're my partner Jane and even though you don't like it, I'll always watch you're back and besides you saved me a million times.."
"OK, then after the mission you'll take a look at it"
"Good girl, now let's go to work"

After I finish talking to David, I notice that Kurt was staring at me with a guilty expression. After searching all over the house and not finding anyone, we return to the office hoping that maybe Patterson has achieved success with facial recognition.

"Patterson, were you able to put a face to this man?"

"Sort of, I found a picture of him but I couldn't identify him..."

In the meantime, as she talks, she shows us the photo and in that moment, knowing immediately who it is I turn to look at David and when he nods, I understand that it was time to say everything...

"His name is Dwair Lee"

"You know him?!?"
"Yes, because I infiltrated Sandstorm.."
"For who?"
"For the NSA" I say as I pull out my badge

"What?!? You're an NSA's agent?"
"Yes, and when they arrest someone they don't send them to the CIA to get answers..."
"You were held by the CIA??"
"Don't play dumb Kurt..."

After that David cut in

"Jane I should really take a look at you're arm"
"Yeah of course, let's go to the changing rooms"

And with that David and I get out of the lab.

Kurt's POV
What?!? She was held by the CIA?!?! I can't believe it...And why Agent Johnson wants so badly take a look at Jane's arm??

My thoughts are interrupted by Patterson.

"How could we not have seen the signs?"
"Why? What do you mean?"
"Do you want to tell me that since Agent Johnson arrived you haven't noticed how close she was to him and how he tried to shield her from anything?"
"Yes, but I thought that was because he was her partner..."

"Also that, but the main reason is that now, of all the people in this room, she trusts him more..."

These words make me understand the reason of Jane's behavior towards us, and with this thought I leave the room.

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