The beginning of re-knowing Jane

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Kurt's POV
As soon as we saw Raul entering the room, I noticed that Jane had started shivering and I couldn't stop wondering why she was shivering...And then she asked us to leave her alone with Raul and if something wrong would come up, she'd make a sign to David to come inside.

"Hola Jane" (Hi Jane)
"Raul dejemos las bromas de lado y vayamos directo al grano...vale?" (Raul let's put the jokes aside and get straight to the point..okay?)
"Bueno..vale. Entonces qué quieres saber?" (Alright...So what do you want to know?)
"Quiero saber porque mataste esas chicas y todo lo que sabes sobre Sandstorm" (I want to know why you killed those girls and everything you know about Sandstorm)
"La primera pregunta es fácil... porque nos gusta y no es que esas chicas fueran inocentes...eran prostitutas. La segunda... bueno estas cosas deberías saber Jane, ¿no eres hija de Shepard? Pero te lo diré. Lo que sé es que si crees que has derrotado definitivamente a la organización no es del todo cierto porque para derrotarla tienes que capturar y matar a la cabeza original, de lo contrario una cabeza crece" (The first question is easy....because we like it and it's not that those girls were innocent...they were prostitutes. The second one...well Jane you should know all these things already, aren't you Shepard's daughter? But I'll tell you anyway. What I know is that if you think that you have definetively destroyed the organisation, it's not so entirely true because in order to defeat it you have to capture and kill the original head, otherwise another head will grow)
"¿Que? es imposible... Yo personalmente vi morir a Shepard y Roman... no es posible que hayan logrado salir con vida de ese lugar después de que yo lo explote" (WHAT?! That's impossible...i personally saw Shepard and Roman's not possible that they managed to get out of that place alive after I blew it up)
"Pues Jane, tienes que saber que para verificar que una persona está muerta, tienes que ver si están realmente muertos, y es como son tan duros como tu en el asunto de es verdad Jane?? ¿Tu equipo sabe la verdadera razón por la que no puede permanecer muerto Jane, o tal vez usted debe ser el que les diga....será divertido" (Well, Jane, you should know that to verify that a person is dead, you have to see if they are actually dead, and it's like they are as hard as you in the matter of dying..isn't this true Jane?? Does your team know the real reason of why you can't stay dead Jane, or maybe I should be the one to tell'll be fun)

As soon as I see Raul's mouth stop I see Jane stiffen and turn towards the mirror wanting to maka a gesture to David who immediately, having understood that something was off, storms out of the room.

Jane's POV
After hearing these words coming out of Raul's mouth I motioned to David to enter immediately, hoping that the rest of the team wouldn't come in...but I guess I was wrong because I can see all of the team coming in

"David we have to take him back to his cell and talk about something very serious"
"Alright Jane, but now you're scaring me...What's wrong?"
"Like I said...first we have to take him to his cell and then we'll talk"
"OK.. but are you sure you're fine 'cause you're trembling.."
"Yeah, I'm fine"

After that, David takes Raul to his cell and I begin to think of a way to explain everything to the team, even though it would be difficult as I'll have to tell them what Raul told me.
After 10 minutes I see David coming in with the team behind him and I take a deep breath and begin to tell them.

"As probably you figured out I have something to tell you but before that I have to explain to you what Raul said to me..."
"Ok, Jane but don't worry everything will be just fine.."
"I wish it would be that easy Kurt but it's not"

"Jane this is about the other thing that happened to you, isn't it???"
"Yes David, it is"
"Ok...then why don't we go in the briefing room so we can talk about it more easily??"
"Yeah that's a good idea... Thank you"
"You have nothing to thank me for"

With that the entire team went inside the elevator and went in the briefing room

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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