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Jane's POV

After Kurt arrested me, we head to their SUV to go to the FBI, so they can interrogate me, shame that they don't know what's coming... As soon as we arrive at the car, I climb into it and after me, Kurt and Tasha; at this point Read turns on the car and drives off. 15 minutes later, we stop and enter the office; we don't have time to get out of the elevator that Kurt lead me to the interrogation room and begin to question me...

"Before any of this could start, I have a request..."
"You're not in a position to make requests Jane..."
"If you want to know everything you have to do it"
"What do you want?"
"I want you to call the NSA and ask about Agent David Johnson, after that I'll tell you everything I know about Sandstorm and my time with them..."
"OK...Now I'll go to make that call. I'll be back in 5."

As soon as Kurt get out of the room, I sigh with relief, knowing that being with David, he makes me call him that, I'll feel safe and with someone I trust in the room, who basically know everything about me... When I hear the door open, I look up and see Kurt and David enter, at the sight of David I smile.

"Hi David"
"Hi Jane, how are you?"
"Oh you know...handcuffed..."
"OK, Agent Weller I demand you to take off the handcuffs right now"
"What?! Why?!"
"You are not authorized to know the reason and if you want to hear her statement we have to get out of here with her and meet with agents Zapata, Read and Patterson"
"What?!? No!!!! I can't let her go"
"You have to, it's an order"
"Fine, let's go"

After that Kurt takes off my handcuffs and we go to Patterson's lab.

Kurt's POV

Why the hell she wants to speak with an NSA agent?!?!?!

As soon as I enter in the room with Agent Johnson, I notice that Jane seem more relaxed that before and I can't help but feel a touch of jealousy thinking that before I was the one who made her calm...

"Hi David" What?!?! she call him by name??? She never called me that.
"Hi Jane, how are you?"
"Oh you know...handcuffed..."
"OK, Agent Weller I demand you to take off the handcuffs right now"
"What?! Why?!?!"
There's no way in hell that I let her go...
"You are not authorized to know the reason and if you want to hear her statement we have to get out of here with her and meet with agents Zapata, Read and Patterson"
"What?! No!!! I can't let her go"
"You have to, it's an order"
"Fine, let's go"

After I finish talking, Agent Johnson helps Jane up and we walk towards the lab where the other are... When we enter I notice that Jane is very closed to Agent Johnson...
I must have made some kind of noise because Patterson turns around and tells me

"Just in time... I decryted another tattoo"
"OK, what you got?"

After that she begin to explain to us how she decrypted the tattoo...

"Patterson get to the point..."
"OK, this tattoo lead us to a Sandstorm man..."
"Really?! Where is he now?"
"At 4th Avenue."

"We're coming with you"
Agent Johnson tells me
"No, she's a prisoner...she can't come with us.."
"Yes, she can...she's with me"
"David I don't have my badge"
"Don't worry about it Jane, I've got it"
"Really? Well then let's go"

With this Jane and Agent Johnson follow us but in the meanwhile I see him give something to Jane and I understand that it's her badge.

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