The 1st mission

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Kurt's POV

What Patterson just said make my blood freeze....How could we have done something like that to her?? For the time she was her, she risked her life every day and reapid her by arresting her??Right now I'm truùying ot find her, but I can't. So I'm heading towards the changing room to refreshen me up when I hear someone talking and I realize that it's Jane and Agent Johnson.

"So let me see your arm..."
"Really David, I'm fine. There's no need to worry"
"Yes, there is. Your arm was not taken care, so there will be a chance of a serious damage in the future...Now shut up and give me your arm"
"Geez fine"

Not wanting to hear anything else, I go to the gym to calm down a bit.

Jane's POV

I'm heading towards the changing room with David 'cause he insisted on seeing the arm..

"So let me see your arm..."
"Really David, I'm fine. There's no need to worry"
"Yes, there is. Your arm was not taken care, so there will be a chance of a serious damage in the future...Now shut up and give me your arm"
"Geez fine"

While he was looking at it, my phone ring and when I look at it, I tell David

"David, we have to go to the lab"
"'Cause Patterson's got something.."
"OK, lead the way"

And with that we go to the lab.
Once we are all here, Patterson begin to talk

"So, thanks to the name that Jane gave to us, I was able to trace the movements of Dawir Lee"
"Good, so where is he?"
"That's the problem ..I found the person who paid all his expenses and that lead me to three buildings but I don't know which one he's using.."
Meanwhile she was talking, sh eshowed us the buildings
"That one" I say pointing to the photo of an apartment
"You sure Jane?"
"100% sure...When I was infiltrated to Sandstorm, sometimes I had to work with him and he was always talking about  a burger restaurant, and near that apartment there is a burger restaurant, so he must be there..."
"OK, let's go."

With that the team, David and I go to the apartment to take him. Afetr we arrived, we split up, and me and David go upstairs to find him...
Suddenly I see a movement on my left and I follow it, once I was in my way to the bedroom shotgun begin and I try to take cover before a bullet could hit me...unfortunally I wasn't fast enough and a bullet hit me in my left side...
I hear someone screaming my name but I don't care and I have the chance to jump on Dwair and arrestin him. After I handcuffed him I call David to take him to the car with me behind them...

And with that we left for the office...

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