The interrogation room

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Jane's POV

It passed only a few hours since I was allowed to work, and I was already bored.
After another 5 minutes, I see David running towards me.

"Woah David...where's the fire?" I say with a grin
"I need your help to interrogate a suspect"
"Ok, what I need to know about this person?"
"I need you to talk to him, because he talks Spanish and you're the only one who can understand him"
"All right, I'll do it...Just debrief me with the things I must know about him"

After agreeing with him that I'll interrogate the suspect, he gave me his dossier...and I see that hes the boss of the mob that we were trying to catch for 6 months.
As soon as he has given me the dossier, the lift opened up...and I see Raul Costa; and I recognize him immediately...Hes the one who torture me for information about the NSA.

"Hi Raul, long time no see"
"Hola Señora Jane, espero que has recuperado despueds de nuestro encontre 7 meses atras.." (Hi Mrs Jane, I hope you have rested after our encounter 7 months ago)
"Ohh, lo he hecho no te preocupes...Ahora estas en muchos problemas y no te estas buscando solo la NSA, tambien el FBI" (Ohh, I did; don't worry Now you're in so much trouble and you're not wanted only by the NSA, also by the FBI)
"No me digas que has regresado a trabajar con el FBI" (Don't tell me that you returned to work for the FBI)

Before I could say anything, David came and escort him to the interrogation room...While going there David was looking me with concerned eyes...I tried smiling at him to reassure him, but obviously that didnt work.
As soon as we arrived, David asked me

If you need anything, make our sign and Ill come OK?
Yeah, I just hope that he will cooperate
But if dont, tell me

And with that David get out to go in the next room, where he can see whats happening

Bueno Raul, estamos a solas. Ahora dime todo le que sabes sobre tu celula terrorista (Well Raul, were alone. Now tell me everything you know about the terrorist cell)
Y por que lo tengo que hacer? (And why would I have to do it?)
Porque si no lo haces, haré todo lo posible para asegurarme que tu vida sea un infierno.... Y sabes que serìa capaz de hacer de todo para proteger a la gente que quiero (Because if you dont, Ill do everything I can to make sure your life will be a hell...And you know that I would be able to do anything to protect the people I love)
Lo harìas aunque por la gente que te abandonò en aquel sitio? (Would you do it even for the people who abandoned you in that place?)
Bueno si...Pero ahora basta..Dime todo lo que sabes sobre ellos (Well yes, but now enough...Tell me everything you know about the cell)
Y si lo hago que ganaré yo? (And if Ill do it, what will I get?)
10 años menos en la carcel (10 years less in prison)
Bueno 10 años mas, 10 años menos no me cambia nada...entonces no, no te voy a ayudar (Well 10 years more, 10 years less, nothing changes for no I will not help you)

After he had said that, I make the signal and David come in...

Kurts POV
I was in the room near the interrogation one, and I see that A. Johnson enter in the room with the suspect and Jane...I was so confused that she was taking the case because I thought that Johnson said that she had to taking it slowly, but now I see her... I notice that after the suspect sat down, Johnson whisper something to Jane and then he came out the room.

"Everything all right?"
"Yeah, I was just making sure of something..."
Is Jane all right?
Yeah, shes just concerned
And why did she take the case?? I thought that she was going to take it slowly...
"Yeah, but in this case, shes the only who can take something out of him..."
"Because she knows him"
"WHAT?!?!? HOW?!?!"
"I cant answer it for her...You'll just have to ask her"

I didnt have the chance to answer him that I see Jane made a sort of signal and with that Johnson stormed out the room.

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