Revelation Part. 1

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Jane's POV
Just as David saw my signal, I notice that not only David was coming in but also the entire team.
As soon as they approach me, I tell Read to bring Raul back in his cell, and when he's out and Read has returned I tell what I found out.

"OK, I figured something out about our guy"
"What?!?!How!?!? We were watching you and he said nothing..."
"Oh, he said something....just he was naïve enough to not be able to control his expression; and the things he said, even though they weren't verbal answers, he gave me more than an actual conversation with a guilty person would do..."

And with that I get out of here, smirking when I see the proud smile on David's face and the surprised look on the team's one.
I was just returning from the restroom when I observe a conversation between David and the team, wondering what that could be about I enter...

Kurt's POV
Following the exit of Jane I turn around looking at Agent Johnson ready to question him.

"Wait...I know what you'll ask me:"How was she able to read him so quickly?" and "What did you mean with that if I wanted to know how she know him I'd have to ask her directly?"
"Wow...I didn't know you could even read minds?"
"I don't...It's just that you're easy to read and quite frankly, you're predictable"
"Say that again..."

"What's going on here??? I can't leave for a minute that you start fighting..."

I, now, see a very angry Jane coming towards us with a murderous look on her face.

"Jane it's just that David real-.."
"Agent Johnson for you" he interrupts me...
"-Agent Johnson really piss me off"
" I don't care if he piss you are the one who needs our help with these case....If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here....'cause I didn't want to be here"

That phrase froze me in place, but I don't have time to ask her why that she leaves the room with Agent Johnson.

"Weller, if you really want her forgiveness then you have to try and get along with him.." Tasha tells me receivimg a nod of support from the others
"I know but I can't stand him.... the thought that she's more confidence in him than in us, it kills me"

Jane's POV
I notice that the temperature in the room has risen, so I decided to go in.

"What's going on here??? I can't leave for a minute that you start fighting"
"Jane it's just that David real-.."
"Agent Johnson for you"
he interrupts me...
"-Agent Johnson really piss me off"
" I don't care if he piss you are the one who needs our help with these case....If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here....'cause I didn't want to be here"

I don't believe that I just said that, well it's the truth, but still I could have said it more calmly.
With that I look at David.

"David, I need you outside for a minute"

And with that we leave the room, glancing one last time at my ex team, especially at Kurt

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