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Jane's Pov

I finally escape from the CIA's blacksite and I can't believe that the team I've always trusted would take me there... As soon as I steal a car, I drive back to the city, a federal Suv stands in front of me. "It's impossible that they cold have track me I escaped a little while ago.." But when the Suv approach to me I notice that it's not one of the FBI's or CIA' I'm a little relieved. When the driver comes out the car and come near my door I open it and come out slowly with my hands behind my head

"Miss Doe, I'm Agent David Johnson from NSA (National Security Agency)"

"Nice to meet you....don't get me wrong but what do you want from me?"

"Nice to meet you too...straight to business I see...well I was asked to come and get you to the NSA for some work"
"Wait..what? I'm 100% sure that you know my story from the FBI"
"Yes we know all about you...and that's why we want to offer you a job in the agency..."
"Really??!! Yes, of course!!"
"Ok, well. Now I need to take you to the office here in New York..."
"Ok, but can we please say to none about this??"
"Of course but that will be a problem as your first assignment is to help the FBI destroy Sandstorm"
"Well then I think I have to face my ex-team sooner that I expected.."
"Yes, sorry"
"Don't worry,now shall we go?"
"Yes, let's go"

Said that, I get on the SUV with agent Johnson and we go to the agency.

Kurt's Pov

It's been three months since Jane disappeared and I can't help but think about the whole situation with her... "Why would she betray us like this??? We helped her with her memory, made her an agent, TRUST HER...and yet she betrayed us? I see what this has caused to the team....Patterson locked herself in the lab, Tasha is really mad after Mayfair's death and Read is focused on work just like me... My thoughts are interrupted by Patterson saying that she has a lead on Jane.. I go to the lab.

"Patterson what ya got?"
"You'll not believe this...I was checking the cameras and I saw Jane on Park Avenue near Central Park.."
"Ok, where is she going now?"
"She has just entered Central Park"
"OK, let's go"

And with that me, Tasha and Read leave the lab to follow and capture Jane. As soon as we arrived I already see her and trying not to be seen I approach her

"Jane Doe you're under arrest"
"Hi Kurt, we haven't seen in a long time.."
"Yeah well, I wish we don't have to see each other anymore.."
While I'm talking to her I put the handcuffs on her, and we approach the car to go back to FBI

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