Part 1- Dont leave.

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He used to visit her when she couldn't sleep,
Talking about the lost boys when she should've been counting sheep.
"I'm a lost girl" she'd sigh,
Hoping he would take her there too.
She just wanted to belong,
To be loved- to be a part of the crew.
But just as she thought she could believe him,
He turned around to leave,
Told her to stop dreaming.
Told her that she had to get used to people leaving.
He was never deceiving,
But she continued pleading-
"I want to go to Neverland"
He looked down, reached toward her,
Holding out his hand.
She grabbed so tightly,
Ready to jump.
Only to awake with a
From hitting her floor after falling out of bed,
Realising she'd made the whole thing up in her head.


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