Its okay not to be okay

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"Miserable at best.. nah, you're just being pessimistic."

Yeah, sure, thanks for the advice. But the point? I think you just missed it.

I've figured that the point of all this madness and mayhem in my head,
Is to make a motto, a story, some wisdom from it, instead.

I realised growing up in darkness, it taught me to run to the light, and to accept and protect a person who's got a little more fight.

I realised with poverty and being poor, how to keep my shit together, and make less into more.

I realised that with seeing all the pain and destruction in the world, came the ability to see the beauty in the little things, perfect, untainted, undisturbed.

I'm not asking for your sympathy, for you to care, or even for you to stay.
I just want the world to understand that it's okay not to be okay.



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