I want whats best.

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It's not weak to keep quiet and not defend yourself, when the person you're
defending yourself against has a darkness bigger than your own.

It's not pathetic to cry yourself to sleep instead of burdening
people with your issues, when you know they can't handle it right now.

It's not bad to keep your anger and disappointment at bay with the people
who let you down, but instead slap a smile on your face and play nice,
because you have to think of everybody who let them down first.

It doesn't make you a push over to forgive somebody who hurt you,
because they need you right now.

It doesn't make you self-destructive to engage with people
who aren't good for you, if you're so so good for them. They need that.

Life is full of darkness, loss and pain.
Why feed into it, if you could just take even a fraction of it away?

I have my own truth, my own pain, my own story - but so does everybody else.
And it will never coincide with yours. Love when you can. Treat people with kindness when it's there to give.
Hold each other a bit tighter for no reason other than the fact you wanted to.

It's not about giving myself less,
It's about wanting what's best.

Giving all of your oxygen to people who couldn't breathe, seems like a good way to go out to me.


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