Mind over matter

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Sometimes I don't want it to be over
I want to get up and scream,
Fight myself to be sober.
To pour the poison down the drain,
Instead of keeping it safe in my veins.
To look in the mirror and smile,
Knowing I could be okay for a little while.
To enjoy the light that comes with life,
Instead of only seeing it reflect of the knife
That you use to kill them demons
And numb the pain.
No more little red stains
Etched into your skin
Each one with a trip down memory lane.
To be able to sit in the darkness and not think of death
To want to savour every last breath.
And then the 'sometimes' passes
Life gives me back my reality glasses,
Slipping back into submission,
Overshadowed by my addiction.

And then the 'sometimes' passesLife gives me back my reality glasses,Slipping back into submission,Overshadowed by my addiction

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