On the edge

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I always thought
That the drugs would keep me
Distracted, forever.
That the drink would keep me
Sedated, for the time being.
That the sex would keep me
Alive, in the moment.
But I forget I'm a person
Who becomes addicted
To the things like your laugh.
Her smile. His sense of humour.
Life pulls me in when I least expect it
With nothing to gain from it
Except the little guilty pleasures
Of what I observe
That no one else seems to notice.
But this pushes me further
And terrifies me
And now I'm on the edge
Unable to comprehend
How to deal or cope,
Or what to do next.

But this pushes me furtherAnd terrifies meAnd now I'm on the edgeOverwhelmed Unable to comprehendHow to deal or cope,Or what to do next

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