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Sitting and Feeling lonely, She remembers,
Months ago, he predicted this exact moment,
A time where they'll be quarrelling,
But, needing and loving each other.
It wasn't exactly a prediction,
It was a statement,
A Statement that came true,
And now, he has been making these predictions,
These statements, and she's begging,
She's pleading to every God there is,
She's praying his latest and annoyingly constant prediction don't come true,
She fears it will be the end of her, perhaps it will.
But, just like the sun will rise in the morning,
And the moon will show forth at it's time,
Just like rain will fall,
And flowers will bloom,
She will get her heart destroyed,
Somethings can't be changed,
They can't be stopped, just like nature.
Perhaps, it is natural for her to hurt so much,
She hopes that knowing how bad she'll break,
Will it make it hurt less,
She hopes now that she knows,
And has made peace with the fact that she'll break,
Hopefully, the pain won't hurt much,
Hopefully, it's flame won't engulf her, and burn harder.
Now, that she knows what will happen, she still hopes it doesn't.

8:47pm. 2, May, 2021.

_____ ellie a. o.

Something Mending -- VOL 1Where stories live. Discover now