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I read an Ali Mercy's --- Lady Literal, on Wattpad -- writing today on Instagram, She wrote on how she romanticize healing, She can write billions of poems on rising from the ashes like a phoenix, she can write about healing from the scars inflicted by the past, her works are governed by this, but here I am, I have been romanticizing breaking, always brokenness, because it's all I've ever known, the act and art of breaking, of staying broken, my works are governed by this, always sad, pessimist, gloomy, moody and absolutely devastating.

I wrote, and I still write from my pain, my pain inspires me, but Ali Mercy's healing inspires her, to get to that level, it takes strength, and I will get there, one day I'll romanticize healing, I'll write all about healing, just like I've written about breaking.

But, until then, I write.

10:35pm. 11:06:2021.

______ Ellieao.

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