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The ghost of you lingers everywhere,
In the food I eat, the clothes I wear,
The hair I make and the books I read,
I wish I never gave you anything,
I almost gave you everything.

The ghost of you mocks me,
Everyone I talk to,
Have little semblance to you,
Why do I see you in them,
I wish I never gave you anything.

You faded away, without reason,
Unexplained goodbyes are the worst,
We drifted apart and I didn't know why,
Life wasn't supposed to be this shitty,
You were supposed to be my person.

"No one deserves your all" They say
More than often, I think,
They are teaching me to be cruel,
But no, they are just teaching me to live,
To survive, because the world's crueler.

Quite Sad, actually, very.
Never thought you'll be,
Someone I'll have to survive,
I wish I never gave you anything,
I almost gave you everything.

I'll keep writing till,
I get you out of my system,
I'll keep writing,
Till I no longer wonder
Why you faded away.

I'll keep writing,
Till you fade away, totally,
And, looks like I won't be
writing for that long anymore

_________  10|Nov|2021

Something Mending -- VOL 1Where stories live. Discover now