Story Idea (2)

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Yo okay so pretty setter hang out where Tobio is way too shy to actually talk to the other teams setters so he's just sitting there all alone by himself whilst everyone else in mingling and talking and nobody is approaching him because they either think he's scary or they think he doesn't want to talk to them

But spoiler alert he does

But then kogenagawa sees this as an opportunity to finally talk to Tobio about how much practice he put into things, etc, etc

Hell he even wants to know his fave colour

He just wants to talk to Tobio

So he approaches then and continues to persevere despite the initial awkwardness and blunt answers

Even if Tobio has gotten his name wrong like 59 times wrong already it's okay because Tobio looks happy and comfortable and omg he's talking to his kinda crush and he's not making an utter idiot of himself

It's when the other setters hear Tobio laughing do they finally see them and Suga is so godamn proud of his kohai whilst Oikawa is screeching about Tobio chan having his own kohai even though kogane is older than him

So anyways, the others see that Tobio looks genuinely excited and happy to be talking to somebody so they start to approach him

And like Tobio slips back into his shell slightly because the child isn't used to people wanting to talk to him. And like, people notice and are easing him into the conversation because damn it to hell if kogane, the bumbling oaf of a setter, can actually make the most stoicest setter ever seen more happier than them

So by the end of the gang out Tobio has a bunch of setters who would sacrifice their own life to protect him

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