Cooking And Pictures (Kinkage 1)

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Summary: When Kindaichi woke up before his beautiful husband he had decided on two things. One, who cares of Tobio kills him later and two, he wants to make him breakfast to say welcome back. Well, if Tobio didn't kill him then his skills in the kitchen will.

Pairing: Kindaichi Yuutato/Kageyama Tobio

When Yuutaro woke up he immediately turned around to view his beautiful husband, unable to stop looking at such a beauty and feeling grateful that he's lucky enough to witness such a beautiful sight every morning.

A hand moved subconsciously and smoothed over a strand of hair that was covering Tobio's closed eyes.

Yuu couldn't help but fall in love, even more, when Tobio let out a content sigh and nuzzled into the palm of his hand, pressing like one of those cute cats that Tobio was still trying to convince him to get.

He let out a quiet groan when he stretched his arms and began getting out of bed to start the day, not before pressing a soft kiss on his husband's cheek and for head and sighing in relief when he didn't wake up for once.

This was a rare occurrence. Yuu rarely ever got up before Tobio and it wasn't because of lack of trying. It was mostly due to the fact that Tobio had gotten so used to waking up early during his high school and he guessed that habits die hard. The only reason why he had woken up before his husband was due to the jet lag that his husband was facing and he guessed he had about a week to admire his husband in the morning before his schedule would go back to normal. Better enjoy it whilst it lasted.

Yuu shrugged his shoulders, trying to get rid of the stiffness as he made his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day, taking advantage of the hot water.

After he had finished showering he returned back to their room and couldn't help but let a gentle smile settle on his face as he walked in on his husband cuddling a volleyball plushy.

He swore a part of him died at the cutesy display and he had to snap a picture of it and send it to the Seijoh and rookie campers group chat, even if it meant that Tobio would terminate him later.

He ignored the replies, mostly Oikawa and Tsukishima and locked his phone before pressing another quick kiss on his husband's forehead before heading to the kitchen to start breakfast for himself.

He looked around the kitchen, feeling slightly unsure. Tobio always remembered to make him some breakfast before he went out on a morning run and to either leave it in the fridge or the microwave for Yuu so he had ended up getting spoilt.

But today Yuu wanted to surprise his beautiful and amazing husband by making him breakfast.

Sure he wasn't the most experienced in the kitchen but I mean, how hard can cooking actually be?

He opened up the fridge and was elated to find the fridge stocked, inwardly thanking Miwa for having the brains to get them some groceries when Yuu had gone to the airport to pick up his husband.

He took out some eggs, a couple of vegetables and some bread along with some cheese before laying them out on the counter before taking a deep breath.

He had this!

When Tobio woke up it was to the smell of something burning and the fire alarm going off. What truly jolted him up was when he couldn't feel his husband and his worst nightmare had been confirmed. Yuu was trying to cook. Shit.

“Yuutaro!” Tobio yelled, running at breakneck speed to the kitchen, ignoring the fact that he was only in his husband's hoodie and a pair of tiny shorts.

What he walked in on would either give him nightmares or make him laugh for the next month.

There, stood in the middle of the kitchen, was his husband dripping with egg yolk and melted cheese in his hair with cut up vegetables sticking on to him and when Tobio turned around he could see the stove had been turned off and when his view switched to the smoke he could see a pan being cooled down by cold water.

Finally, he returned to his husband who was staring at him with his cheeks red and mouth gaping slightly.

“Is there a reason why you look like something that Shoyo would vomit out?” He knew it wasn't particularly kind to comment on his partner's appearance but he was tired, scarred for life and he had probably lost a perfectly nice pan to his husbands less than average skills in the kitchen.

“Well I tried to cook you breakfast as a way to say ‘welcome back.’” and that pathetically sappy excuse was enough for Tobio to deflate, blush, huff, turn away, March to the fridge and begin making some actually edible foods.

He didn't react when he felt hands on his waist and a heavy body leaning on him.

“Don't be mad at me Tobio” whispered Yuu in his ear but Tobio shook him off. He wasn't about to be seduced by someone who smells of eggs and is covered from head to toe in yolk.

“I'm about to get even madder if you try and lean against me with that yolk covered body.” Tobio casually threatened and was pleased to hear the huff of annoyance and to feel the hands of his waist disappear. He still blushed when a kiss was placed on his cheek and he didn't have enough time to yell at Yuutaro before the man ran off.

Tobio huffed fondly before going back to try and make something salvageable from what Yuu had set out and found himself being impressed by his husband's choice in ingredients. He couldn't say the same for the end result but it was the thought that mattered.

When his husband joined him again, clean and smelling fresh might he add, he had already finished making breakfast and was starting to set the table.

“That looks amazing, babe.” complimented Yuu and Tobio felt his cheeks flush at the compliment.”

“Thanks Yuu.” he returned shyly and felt a part of him go to heaven when his husband gave him a wide smile. Beautiful.

They settled at the table together, enjoying the time they had together before Yuu put his finished plate in the dishwasher before moving to Tobio and pulled him into his arms.

“I love you so, so much, sweetheart.” cooed Yuu and Tobio flushed at the unbashful declaration before returning in kind.

“I love you too, Yuutaro!” The declaration was louder than intended and he blushed, hiding his face in his husband's neck.

“Sooo, since you love me you won't get mad that I might have sent a picture of you sleeping to the Seijoh and rookie camp group chats, right?” his stiffening must have been enough of a response.

“Yuu…” Tobio trailed dangerously before he helped as his ass was slapped, hard might he add, as Yuu rushed out and into the living room.

“You'll have to catch me first!” and that was so ridiculously childish but Tobio couldn't help but giggle and go along.

“Oh really! We'll see about that!”

So maybe trying to make breakfast wasn't the greatest idea in the short run. But in the long run? Will always be a great decision to Yuu.

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