How To Attract Spikers And a Setter (Ushikage 1, Kunikage 1 And Oikage 1)

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Summary: Getting lost at his first offical match was not what Tobio had wanted. Oh well, at least he got to meet Ushijima-san! Even if Kunimi and Oikawa-san were acting weird.

Tobio was so excited for his first middle school tournament! Sure he wasn't going to be playing but the feeling of actually being here was enough for him to be able to overlook that. Plus he'd be able to watch Oikawa-San play and that was more than enough for him!

Even if the older probably hated him, he couldn't help but still look up to him as a mentor and to learn more from him.

Kunimi told him multiple times to just give up on him and the looks that Kindaichi sent him were more than enough to tell him that he agreed but he turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to them.

After all, they were speaking as if he was in love with Oikawa-San! How ridiculous! (No, not really but he would never admit to that)

Thoughts of his Senpai not liking him had him deflating slightly, attracting Kindaichi’s attention who sent him a concerned look but he just waved him away.

He would be fine. Maybe.

When they all exited the bus the coach had told them they could wander around to get a true feel of the place and immediately Tobio had been swept away by all the excited first years and some of the second years following the third years.

He sighed sadly when he realised that nobody had realised he had disappeared, not even Kindaichi or Kunimi.

He kicked a pebble on the ground sadly before taking a deep breath and looked up, a look of determination on his face. He could just wander around by himself for a while! Maybe even get something to drink or eat.

With those positive thoughts he made his way inside the center and started walking around, not really focusing on anything.

Apparently, that was a stupid mistake. He had ended up being lost within 5 minutes with only a few measly coins and notes on him. Shoot.

‘Don't panic, Tobio!’ he thought to himself, looking around for a place to sit and wait for someone on his team to find him. Sure he'll get in trouble and Oikawa-San will probably tease him about it until the next century but he is sure that it won't take that long to find him.

With those confident thoughts he laid out his jacket on a relatively clean area on the floor and sat down. Now, it was time to wait.


“Oi, Kindaichi.” hissed Kunimi under his breath as their team celebrated winning the matches of the day, looking around frantically for his other friend. “Where the fuck is Kagayama?”

After Kindaichi had shrugged before he had then realised the weight of the words that Kunimi had spoken and began looking around frantically.

“Shoot!” he whispered in distress, hands going over to his spiked up hair. “What are we going to do?” he spoke a bit too loudly and that had ended up attracting the attention of everyone on the team, everyone turning to the first years, causing them to blush at the attention.

“What do you mean Kindaichi-kun?” asked Oikawa, shooting them a bright smile.

“Kagayama’s lost!” Kindaichi’s embarrassment was lost as he remembered his friend was gone.

It was silent until Oikawa began to laugh slightly, causing the rest of the team to follow hesitantly. At least until Iwaizumi slapped him across the head.

“Ow! Mean iwa-chan!” whined Oikawa, rubbing the back of his head before turning back to Kindaichi, a fake smile on his face “Now, what do you mean Tobio-chan is lost? Are you sure he didn't just go to the bathroom.” Thankfully the brown haired bastard cut off any rude remarks then because if he had said anything then Kunimi would have gone feral.

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