Not A Genius

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Summary: "That's Karasuno’s genius setter!" how can he be something he isn't. OR Oikawa is a dick and Tobio ends up breaking.

‘That's Karasuno’s genius setter!’

‘Bet he thinks that he's better than everyone else, doesn't he?’

‘I heard that he bullied his old team because they weren't as smart as him in volleyball!’

‘He could probably play for a college team no sweat’

‘Trust me even though he's a genius he's a complete asshole’

‘I wonder if the king of the court will snap again’

Those words followed Tobio around everywhere he went, no matter what happened.

And he was so fucking over it.

He had worked long and hard to get where he is, not for it all to be shoved away and be reduced to nothing more than him just being a ‘natural’ or a genius.

He had poured his blood, sweat and tears into that game continuously, every single day of his life ever since he could walk. And what happened to all of that? It was fucking ignored.

He had spent nights both crying and strategizing game plans and ways to improve himself whilst also mourning the loss of so many people in his life for it all to be shoved away for talent.

He hadn't spent years trying to become the best only for him to become it and for it to all just disregard any practice or dedication he put in. He hadn't spent every night after practice staying behind to learn Oikawa-san’s serve only for the other to say that he was too much of a genius.

He hadn't spent every single day with his sister helping him improve his form and blocks for it all to be dwindled down to nothing. Now he understood why Miwa quit the sport. He would as well, if that wasn't the only thing tying him to the world because he knew that without volleyball, he would be nothing.

He wondered what his grandfather would think if he saw the state he was in right now. He hoped he wouldn't be disappointed in him. He's already disappointed enough people in his life.

He felt his eyes burn and he quickly ribbed them away, refusing to cry in a children's park that was deserted for the time being.

He sighed sadly at his thoughts and watched as white smoke came out of his mouth. A deranged giggle escaped out of him as he watched it disappear as thoughts of that happening to him came to mind.

He sighed again before deciding to head home, thinking that he had spent more than enough time mourning over something that would never change.

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