Story Idea 11

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Hinakage where hinata is the most abusive peice of shit but nobody says anything because it's 'hinata' and everyone thinks that these two are happy and yada yada yada.

Flash forward to tobio finally actually gaining the courage to dumb Himata after he insulted his grandfather because that is one topic that tobio refuses to have slandered.

Everyone around them is out there calling tobio the bad guy because hinata is crying crocodile tears and tobio finally ends up just having enough.

So, he ends up using all the evidence that he had collected from the relationship to prove that Hinata is abusive and went to the police. Better off that than a school that hates you.

Tobio is so excited when an investigation happens and he goes home, happy as one can be because finally ,he can be free again but he ends up knocked out by someone

When he wakes up he's chained up and there Hinata is ,staring down at him and that's when Tobio realises that he will never be free

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