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After treating dylan, the woman suddenly left and said the words that we will meet again and at the same time she smiled. The next day dylan woke up with pain in his body and asked himself where he was, and he wasn't drunk he remembered what happened to him last night, he did remember that he fell.
and he looked up he was surprised to see that what he had dropped was too high, and he told himself that it was possible for me to live in such a high precipice. And he told himself again that he was a ghost? he tried to pinch himself and he was in pain, and said that I was alive, a miracle was true.
But what he didn't know was because of a woman who approached him at times when he was unconscious or dying.

He didn't know how he could get out of there. Fortunately, her cellphone was still working and she called cathy and told her what had happened to her.
A few minutes later dylan's classmates arrived with a long rope for dylan to climb. Dylan had already climbed and at the same time some of his classmates said that they had gone home, because of the accident that happened to him. and to everyone's favor, they rested for a few hours before going home. and by the time they were all leaving dylan seemed to have a strange feeling that someone was following them when they came out of the forest, he just didn't tell his classmates because maybe there really isn't.
Dylan has come home but he still feels that way. he just felt that close to him. At 12am in the morning, Dylan was still awake because he was feeling weird, and he heard something as if someone was walking in his room. because his room was dark and he was nervous about what he would see when he turned on the light in his room.

He turned on the light in his room. He was surprised to see a woman in a white dress and long hair, he was scared and said white lady. he was even more surprised when he spoke. what did that white lady ask him about it.
Dylan's eyes widened when he heard this woman speak.
Dylan - Why? aren't you a white lady or a ghost?
The woman wonders why a white lady told her and what it was and she tells dylan that she is not a ghost
and the woman told dylan to hold me so you would believe I wasn't a ghost.
Dylan grabbed the woman by the shoulder and was surprised that it wasn't a ghost.

Dylan - I'm sorry if I accuse you of being a ghost or a white lady.
Woman - What does the white lady mean and you told me that?
Dylan - I'm sorry because you have a white dress and your hair is still long, and most of all, what time is it?
Dylan - What time is it and what are you doing in my room? Are you a thief?
Woman - I'm not doing anything wrong in your room and most of all I'm not a thief.
Dylan - What are you doing here in my room and how did you get into the house? Tell me?
Woman - I just came with you when you came home because I saved your life.
Dylan - What? You saved my life? how and when? and is there anything wrong with me? to say that you saved my life?
Woman - Why don't you remember what happened to you?

Dylan didn't even remember the accident that happened to him. Because he doesn't feel bad and there is no pain in his body.

Woman - You don't remember you fell into a deep precipice?
Dylan - Yeah I remember I actually fell into a deep abyss. wait how did you know that?
Woman - Didn't I tell you I saved your life so I know.

And dylan suddenly thought of what the woman had said to him. and at the same time he remembered that when he woke up he was surprised because of the excessive height of what he had dropped.
He also remembered that he had told himself that. Anyone who falls here will not be able to live or possibly even live because of its height. but what happened to him was a miracle that he was still alive.
And dylan asked the woman how it saved her.

Dylan - How did you save me?
Woman - I saw you dying at those times. I'm wondering if I'll help you, because I don't know you.
But something came into my mind and I helped you to live.
Dylan - What did you do to me? are you a doctor or a nurse?

Woman - What is a doctor or nurse?


ylan - What? You don't know that? how did you save me What did you do to me?

Woman - I don't know what you said. I saved you with my life.
Dylan - What is your life? how is your life explain it to me well and please tell me.
Woman - Maybe when I tell you all the truth you won't believe and be afraid of me.
Dylan - Am I scared of you? why You're human, aren't you? and i won't believe you? I really don't understand you!
Woman - All right, I'll tell you everything but promise me that you won't be afraid of me and you'll believe me?
Dylan - All right what is that?
Woman - Just like I told you I saved your life, by my life. I gave you half my life just so you could live.

And dylan was surprised at what the woman said to him. he could hardly believe what he heard about it.

Dylan - What half of your life did you give me? how is that I guess what you're saying is impossible.
Woman - Didn't I tell you to believe and don't be afraid! but why don't you seem to believe me!
Dylan - How did you do that to me? if you gave me half of your life, would you be dead? and it is impossible for me to live only half a life? Nothing like that is impossible. we are just normal people and not a god to do that!
Woman - Yes, you're right, a normal person like you can't do that.
Dylan - What am I like? Why are you a human being like me? so impossible everything you say is true!
Woman - You're wrong! Everything I told you is true, because I am not a person or a normal person like you.
Dylan - What? are you crazy about what you are saying? if you are not a human being. what are you?
Woman - I'm not crazy. The truth is that I am a fox from the other world.

Dylan was surprised when the woman told him that it was a fox from the other world, and he told himself how could that happen? nonsense!

Dylan - Are you a fox from the other world? I don't believe you, you don't have tails and most of all there is only one world of people.
Woman - yes you are right there is only one world you people. but for us like me and other living creatures we also have our own worlds just like you humans, And most of all I really have tails and I can show you it now just so you can believe me and what I'm telling you.
Dylan - All right, I'll just believe you when right now you show me your tails in front of me. do if you tell me the truth!

This is what dylan is waiting for the woman, to see her tail so that she can believe everything he was told.

Woman - All right, it's a full moon. don't be surprised by what you see and most of all you will believe me. Here it is!

Dylan was nervous about what the woman said and what he would see, in a few minutes the woman's tails came out. its tails shine and its number is nine. dylan was very surprised and amazed by what he saw in the woman. but he was still scared and nervous.

Dylan - it's true what he said that he's a fox and he's not a human like me. is it all just a dream. impossible!
Woman - What? do you believe me anymore? It's all true and not just a dream! don't be afraid of me I'm not bad maybe I saved your life.

And dylan asked the woman why she saved him from death, while he was only human and it could eat him or kill him.
He also asked if the woman was also following him home when they came from the forest.

Dylan - Why did you save me? what reason You're a fox, you can eat me or kill me at that time, right? but you still saved me? are you also the one I feel following me home?
Woman - yes you are right. I was the one who followed you home from the forest. so here I am now in front of you. Besides, you're wrong porket I'm a fox that kills and eats someone right away? I'm not like that what are you.
Dylan - Ah ok sorry? what is the reason why you saved me and still followed me?
Woman - That's why I saved you. the truth is I like you or I like you since I looked at you for a long time whether I will save you or not. I saved you because I still want to know you and see you more. and so I also followed you because that's half of my life with you. in your body so I should be just next to you or just close to you.
Dylan - Is that all you said true? you saved me because you love me? and because you like me you gave me half of your life just so I could live? and so here it is in front of me?
Woman - yes you are right in what you heard and everything I told you is true. I want to love you so I saved you and gave you half of my life.

Dylan was almost unbelievable and almost shocked by everything he heard from the woman at that time, wondering how it all happened to him.

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