Another Bryan, and a horse?

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Bryan sighed as he stood alone in the main room, kicking at one of the chairs absently. It sure was taking Molten and Steve a long time.... he was starting to get worried. He'd hoped the bear wouldn't do anything rash but maybe....

Just as he feared the worst the portal room's door opened and Steve hurried out, nearly tripping over his own feet. "Bryan!" The animatronic launched himself at the startled brunet. "He was so scary!"

Bryan pat the showtime's back awkwardly "Yeah.."

"He didn't hurt you, did he?" Steve pulled away and shook his head, wiping some stray oil tears from his face (Bryan still questioned how that worked). "No he just told me that if I ever interfered with his plans he'd tear off my face plates." A shudder wracked his metal body "He also threatened to throw me into the portal.."

"Did he leave?" They looked around and it did seem Molten had left, for now anyway. "Come on!" Bryan whispered and pulled his counterpart into the portal room.

The portal was as foreboding as he remembered it and yet... that familiar connection was still there. "Good to see you again." He said to the void.

Steve looked back and forth between him and the door "What if someone catches us?"

As if on cue the door slid open again, Happy Frog blinking in surprise "Bryan?" Bryan grabbed Steve's hand and pulled them both over the edge.

Bryan had forgotten how jarring this portal was when going to other dimensions, as he usually ended up thrown on his back.

At least he landed on some soft grass. Actually, the grass was a pale grey, and the sky was white with grey clouds. Did they accidentally drop into a new dimension?

He heard Steve mumble something and found the animatronic brushing dirt out of his faceplates. "Where are we?" Bryan shrugged as he pushed himself up. "No idea." Empty grasslands stretched as far as he could see, which wasn't all too far since a heavy fog was hovering overhead.

"Hello?" Steve called nervously. They waited in silence for a moment before a "Who's there?" rang from the left.

"We're lost, where are we?" Bryan asked, pulling his counterpart closer to him in case the person was dangerous.

A white horse emerged from the fog, great wings stretched above it like a covering. It's wings dropped and a regally dressed man slid off its back.

He had his own set of wings that complimented his companion's. His golden eyes narrowed suspiciously "You're in the afterlife."

"We're dead?!?" Steve panicked "No! No we are not dead Steve!" Bryan soothed the animatronic.

"Who are you?" The mystery man was more relaxed now, judging them as no threat. "I'm Bryan, this is Steve." The man blinked in surprise. "My name is Bryan as well!"

He paused. "You also..." the other Bryan faded off.

"You look exactly like I did before...well, that's not important." The other him summoned a sword in his hand "Show your true face, coward." Steve yelped, hiding behind his counterpart.

Bryan groaned "Okay, do you know what a portal is?" The winged man nodded. "Well me and him," he gestured to Steve "are from another universe, I am the version of you from that universe."

The other Bryan lowered his sword in thought. "I do remember going through a strange portal and meeting" he looked at Steve "creatures similar to you."

The sword disappeared with a flash of light. "Well then, other me, I believe I should introduce myself. I am Bryan, son of Aphrodite, husband of Inpu." He brushed a hand against the white horse beside him "This is my loyal steed, Helios."

Bryan shrugged and introduced himself. "I'm Bryan, I'm kind of dead." He pointed to the animatronic. "My soul used to possess this guy before we managed to separate." Steve waved.

The other Bryan blinked. "You are dead as well?" they all stared at each other.

The Demi god shook his head "Well, what are you doing here then?" The other two shared a nervous look.

"Well, uhm." Steve mumbled "When we split apart we accidentally sent ourselves back in time..."

"And now we're trying to find a way to fix it." Bryan finished. The white haired man nodded in thought. "Portals were never my forte, so I can't help." He looked out into the fog. "And there's no way I can ask someone else, considering this is the afterlife."

He turned back to them. "But I offer you my support, if you ever need me don't hesitate." The demi god waved them goodbye as both he and the horse disappeared into the fog.

Steve sighed "Wow, so he's like us.. but a god?" Bryan shrugged "I guess?"

"We should get back before Molten finds us." "Oh shit I forgot about that-"

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